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Are we in the Malicious Advertising Phase of the Dropbox corporation cycle?

Bogus warning from Dropbox

Helpful | Level 6

Dropbox keeps sending me bogus messages that my dropbox is full and that my files will soon stop syncing.


My dropbox is NOT full, and I resent receiving all these bogus messages. I'm afraid this is a dirty tactic by DropBox to blackmail me into upgrading, and that they will soon stop synching my files in order to escalate this blackmailing tactic.


How do I get them to STOP sending me these bogus email messages, leave me alone, and maintain my free account without fear of losing my files? I will NOT be blackmailed by ANYONE, including Dropbox!

12 Replies 12

Carl E.
Helpful | Level 5

Same issue, my Dropbox isn't going to be full anytime soon, this needs to STOP!

Stryder C.
New member | Level 2

Received an alarming email this morning about how my files are about to stop syncing if I add even one more file and knowing that I still have a good amount of space yet, I thought it might be spam or a phishing attack. Nope, turns out it's from Dropbox proper and I was taken to a page saying that I had used 15.52 GB of my 2GB of space. And this was further alarming b/c I should have about ~18 GB after my years of recommendations to new users. Lo and behold, checking my actual account, I do indeed have ~18 GB of space in my account.


So, is this Dropbox demonstrating an inability to correctly count GB, which is pretty alarming for a service that's entirely based around storing data, or is it a malicious phase of marketing that we're in and I should just plan on finding an alternative to dropbox?

Stryder C.
New member | Level 2

I realize this is an older post, but it's 2023 and I'm also having this issue, so it's something that Dropbox seems unwilling to address. And importantly, the piece that I believe you're over looking is that the notification alerts are for when "I'm running out of space" but having multiple GB's of space left isn't really 'running out' and it's also not helpful that the email threatens you with account de-stabilization and shows you that you're _already out of space_.  So we're left with either the idea that Dropbox is maliciously advertising or they're not adept at counting bytes. Neither of which does much to install confidence in the user base.

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