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vat invoice for dropbox plus is possible?

vat invoice for dropbox plus is possible?

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Did you know if with a dropbox plus account we can get a vat invoice?

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@atcorreia wrote:

Did you know if with a dropbox plus account we can get a vat invoice?

That option is only available on Professional and Business accounts.


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@atcorreia wrote:

Did you know if with a dropbox plus account we can get a vat invoice?

That option is only available on Professional and Business accounts.


Collaborator | Level 8
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'That option is only available on Professional and Business accounts.'

NO, Rich, this can't be an 'option'.

As soon as the subscriber is EU VAT registered, Dropbox should apply Reverse charge (no VAT charge). And supply a mandatory invoice with the customer's VAT Id. The plan has nothing to see with this and Dropbox is not allowed to decide which plan will follow the European laws.

Please read this, again :
(from Irish Revenue site...)

VAT obligations of Irish traders supplying services to business customers abroad Identification of a business for a business to business (B2B) supply of services

If you are supplying services to a business customer in another European Union (EU) Member State you should do the following:

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The issue is though this is not a Business to Business transaction. 


It is a consumer to business product. Plus users are defined as home users and as such are a consumer product. If you want to use and follow the laws and claim the appropriate VAT, as the rules say, you need to be using the appropriate B2B products which are Professional and Business accounts.


See and 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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'The issue is though this is not a Business to Business transaction. It is a consumer to business product.'

How in the world can you state such untruth? You're totally mixing up transaction and product...
- If a transaction is B2B you have to apply the rule. Period.
- Claiming a product to be 'consumer' is a pure commercial and marketing thing and doesn't prevent you to apply the rule in a B2B transaction.


'Plus users are defined as home users and as such are a consumer product.'


You can define anyone as any user status if you wish, this has nothing to see with the Irish and EU VAT rules. The B2B transaction is relevant to the customer status, nothing else.

'If you want to use and follow the laws and claim the appropriate VAT, as the rules say, you need to be using the appropriate B2B products'

Let me smile... Please show here precisely the EU (or Irish) rule saying the customer has to buy a so called 'business product' to have Reverse charge applied. Show me the rule which says that the Reverse charge is relevant to the product. I'm pretty much curious to see it.

I can't believe such false statements and your ignorance regarding EU VAT rules...

Helpful | Level 5
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Any update on this? 


Any transaction in Europe, home or pro or hamily or whatever, needs to offer the option for individual or business tax number.


YES individuals also have tax numbers.. You know, the people working from HOME using the HOME product (Dropbox Plus)!

Helpful | Level 5
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Since this issue in ongoing. I recommend anyone having this issue to report this behaviour (a.k.a dark pattern)


Here are some links


Misleading and aggressive practices

You are protected against 2 main categories of unfair commercial practices:

  • misleading practices, either through action (giving false information) or omission (leaving out important information)
  • aggressive practices that aim to bully you into buying

Dropbox labeling a 2Terabyte product as "Home" or "Plus" and wont allow for VAT reversal (VIES) forcing consumers to update to a business plan that is more expensive.


And no, just by labeling something "Home" or "Plus" doesn't mean its not eligible to VAT reversal. We are not buying a cucumber here, we are buying a legit SaaS service which many small businesses can expense.


Dark pattern 100%, Dropbox fix this!

Collaborator | Level 8
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Opcode, you're totally right.
I just realized I submitted this problem in november 2018, four years ago (link below)! And nothing changed since then, Dropbox still has the same illegal and unfair commercial practises regarding VAT reverse charge. Unbelievable.

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