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Re: Version Stacking

Can Dropbox Replay do version stacking, and how does it work when shared?

Major Editing
Explorer | Level 4

Does Dropbox Replay offer true version stacking?  In other words, if I have 10 videos v1 through v10, will it be 10 separate videos in the folder and then my client as to go to the version with the highest number? 


OR, does it work like where I can drag each subsequent version on top of the previous version so the most recent version remains on top?  And if my client wants to see other versions, they can select it from the dropdown.

6 Replies 6

Dropbox Staff

Hi @Major Editing, thanks for messaging the Community.


Dropbox Replay automatically moves to the highest version when you choose to create a new version. 


When you share a link to a file, the newest version will be visible, though the user can go back through the versions via the drop-down box on the top left.


This will help me to assist further!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Major Editing
Explorer | Level 4
I get that but but this doesn’t answer my original question: as I mentioned, when I add subsequent versions, will there me multiple files in the folder (v1-v10) OR, can I drag & drop them on previous versions so there’s only one file with the most recent version on top??? That’s my question. Is there a way to share a video to illustrate what I’m talking about?

Major Editing
Explorer | Level 4
The reason this is important to me is if I have 10 projects and each of those projects have 10 versions, I’m looking at having 100 files!!! As opposed to just 10 with each one having the 10 versions “stack” on one another.

Dropbox Staff

A project can have multiple files in it, and those files can have multiple versions. A project itself doesn't have version history.


If you're just sharing a single file, you'll only have that single file, with all the version history inside of it. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Major Editing
Explorer | Level 4
Hmmm ok, is there a video/tutorial I can see so I can make sure? I don’t want to buy this again and not have it work the what I need it too.

I know this is a different subject and if I have to start a new thread I will…but I remember the last time I bought this, you could share project folders.

Can I create one folder and then sub-folders in that project folder and then share just the one project folder which will allow my client access to have access to all of its sub-folders?

Dropbox Staff

Dropbox Replay is free for all users to use, the Add-on provides a few extra features, and unlimited files and projects. You can try testing it with your existing plan to check it yourself.


There is also this brief video tutorial for Replay available.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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