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How we use Dropbox to edit PDFs: Lauren

How we use Dropbox to edit PDFs: Lauren

Community Manager
You might not know this but us Dropboxers get just as excited about new Dropbox features as anyone. In fact, Lauren, an unstoppable member of our social team, shared how the new PDF editing update has factored in to her life.

How we use Dropbox to edit PDFs: Lauren

One of my new favorite Dropbox features is PDF editing. It's been so helpful for consolidating receipts and organizing documents - whatever about how helpful it is at work, it has helped me to keep my life on track. 


For example, my auto mechanic prints out a receipt every time I need to get my car serviced. Instead of stuffing all the paper receipts in my car, and losing them to the blackhole of my glovebox, I use Dropbox Scanner app to scan receipts on the go, then consolidate my digital receipts into specific categories. If I have to get a new set of tires, I add that receipt to an existing PDF called “Ongoing Maintenance.” If I get an oil change, I add that new receipt to an existing PDF called “Oil Changes.” 
This enables me to easily access and keep track of all the work I’ve had done on my car. These documents are also saved in my Family Room folder that’s part of my Dropbox Family account, which enables my husband to easily access these documents whenever needed. It also means I can look back on the documents regularly and know what’s up to date on the car and what needs attention.
The plan now is to expand this to more than just my car, so any home updates are tracked, and general life admin are all managed with just a few simple clicks. 
I know I say this every time we share how the Dropbox team use Dropbox, but I really will have to start doing this myself. I don’t need to wait for the dash to light up like a Christmas tree - and Lauren certainly makes it sound easy. 
Don’t forget, we have more tips on PDFs available here too.
Do you use Dropbox to keep your personal life organized? Tell us how in the comments below!
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