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Dropbox Capture - Additional Features to Increase Productivity

Dropbox Capture - Additional Features to Increase Productivity

Helpful | Level 7

I have been using dropbox capture on a daily basis for the past 6+ months and have completely replaced "Snipping Tool" on windows. I love that the pictures are automatically saved in dropbox, but I believe the below features could increase productivity even further.


While most of the time I delete the unwanted pictures by directly opening the capture folder on my computer, I think it would be useful if a feature to select multiple screenshots or videos recorded directly from the dropbox capture website allowed me to delete them easily.


Also, while deleting pictures one by one on the website, it asks every time whether I want to delete or not for every picture. It would be great if it allowed an option like "Don't ask again for 30 minutes".


Also, if there is a way to change the thumbnail size on the dropbox capture website so we can see what's in the screenshot that would be great. Maybe add a hover feature to increase the size of the picture temporarily. 


In addition, the capabilities to sort files stored in Dropbox Capture by Videos and Pictures would be useful. An additional option could be the time they were stored etc. I do like that the most recent one shows up at the top of the page on the website.


Lastly, another feature to maybe automatically show all screenshots on the website instead of selecting "Load More" to view additional features would really save some time.

Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
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Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Dropbox Staff

Youcef from the Dropbox Capture team here; thank you so much for this feedback. It is super helpful and insightful for us. I agree with you on all these points. In a couple of weeks, you will see a new interface on the Web portion of Capture that should include many of these improvements!

Status changed to: New
Helpful | Level 7

If I may add couple more additions:

- A zoom/magnifier option while selecting the area to screenshot would be quite helpful and save time by avoiding re-takes incase incorrect corner was selected. Same for the corner where we leave the mouse click to finalize the area would be useful. 


- another option could be that on the back end, take snip that is a bit wider than requested so when we click on the edit button, we have an option to expand the area if needed. Otherwise whatever we selected should be the default screenshot. 



Dropbox Staff

@rsingh3 Noted for the zoom + ability to markup outside of selected screenshot. Keep feedback coming, please! Thank you so much!

Helpful | Level 7

@YoucefDropbox Thought about some more, hopefully, they'll be within scope for your project.


1. Allow recording templates for tik-toks, which will definitely be in trend so people can make videos just for TikTok and the size of the recording size will be just perfect. All a user has to do is move around the section what they want to share. This could work with shorts for youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. I don't think there is a product out there that offers so could become a sticky feature for dropbox to attract new users.


2. Add similar size templates for youtube regular videos, FB videos, and any others.


3. Add simple video editing capabilities such as playing around with the colors, saturation, etc.


4. In the edit option, maybe add options to cut out certain sections from the video or even insert a section in the video. This could be useful for longer videos in case a portion is messed up so the person doesn't have to re-record the entire video.


5. Add an option to insert multiple videos into one so for longer videos people can record it in sections (which is currently done by pausing the recording).


4. Loom currently allows for the person sending the video to turn on/off certain features such as letting users leave comments, reply with video, etc. I like that they allow for the sender to update the thumbnail and even add a button next to the video where we can add a link that viewers can go to. You can even add a radio button option for calling directly from there.


5. Loom even has extra features for the camera slot while recording video. They allow pictures to be uploaded instead of just the video from the camera. They even allow to increase or decrease the size of the camera slot which would be very useful for #1 & #2 above.


If there is a position for just coming up with ideas for Dropbox, I would like to apply for that job, jk lol

Dropbox Staff

Haha, I love all of this. Thank you so much for taking the time and sending over your feedback, all noted.


  • On video editing, you can already select a portion of the video that you'd like to select. Just drag the bars on both sides of the videos to select the desired area, then click on "Remove selection"
  • You can also already attach a link to a video. Open it, then you will find an "Add link" button under the name of your capture


Thanks again!

Helpful | Level 7

@YoucefDropbox Hope you are doing well. Back again with an interesting thought.


Is it possible to add an option to take a screenshot but add another screenshot to the previously added screenshot and readjust the layout of both screenshots so they show up as one picture together. Would be very useful for screenshot where for example different features of a plan are shared side by side or quotes for different plans I send to my clients. Currently I send them as two different screenshots, doing this would mean I can share quotes from two plans side by side and even add text from current options for further info. 

Dropbox Staff

@rsingh3 An alternative to what you are describing is creating a collection, putting your Screenshots there, then sharing the collection with your clients. Give it at try on

Helpful | Level 7

@YoucefDropbox kind of, but even in a collection, they still have to look at the screenshots as separate pictures which is what I already do. I guess I am asking for a 2-in-1 screenshot option 

Dropbox Staff

@rsingh3 Indeed, got it. Noted. Thank you for your feedback!