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dhaveron's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
2 years ago

Creating your own thumbnails for videos


Many users, including myself, would like to see a way to save a thumbnail of our choosing when we send a video link to a client, and without needing to purchase or rent any up-sell software. If it can be done with Vimeo, Youtube, and Frame IO, it can be done here on Dropbox too.

All too often I will share a link with a professional client for a video I've created, and the thumbnail image that opens up for the client is of the on-camera talent caught in an embarrassing pose with their mouth open and their eyes half closed.


Hello Dropbox, can this idea be turned into a reality? You need to help us users look more professional in the eyes of our clients. This is why we pay for the Dropbox service. To my fellow Dropbox users... if you agree with this please "like" it, or add to the thread.