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Re: Stable Build 33.4.23

Stable Build 33.4.23

Dropbox Staff
Thanks for using Dropbox! The desktop client is regularly updated with many improvements and fixes.


Windows Standard Installer Offline Installer
Mac OS X Standard Installer Offline Installer
Linux x86_64 Offline Installer x86 OfflineInstaller

Auto-updates: In progress

11 Replies 11

New member | Level 2

The issue with the context menus in Microsoft Excel and office suites in Windows 7 is NOT fixed yet.


New member | Level 2

I am extremeliy disappointed that the Open Dropbox folder "button" in Dropbox Mac 33.4.23 menu has been replaced by Open Dropbox Paper.


I click on the Open Drobpx folder "button" many, many times a day. Not only is it long-established muscle memory to aim to the left of the Dropbox menu. I also experience less wrist stress when using a mouse to access a target on the left side of the Dropbox menu versus the right.


It would have been better if the Open "button" had been displaced to the right of the Drobpox menu. I access Open maybe once or twice a week. Whereas, as I said, I use the Open Dropbox folder "button" many, many times daily.


I understand the desire to promote Dropbox Paper. But now, every time I see that icon in the Drobpox menu where I expect Open Dropbox folder to be and have to abruptly shift my mouse motion, I get annnoyed. Not a good way to build positive feelings for Dropbox Paper.



Super User II
Seems to be taking a long time to instigate a reindex upon waking up on my MacBook pro

Super User II

@db-bill - may I suggest you also post that on the main thread thats been discussing this?


Thanks 🙂 

Helpful | Level 6
Is there a beta tester program for Paper?

I would like to join one.

Thank You.

New member | Level 2
Please, Drop´box, its sad, that a very well known bug in 33.4.23 , with office menu/rightclick are not reported on your main site. Things happend to us all, but when it happends, the info about the issue must be spread ASAP! /

Explorer | Level 4

There seems to be a major issue with Dropbox 33.4.23 & Microsoft Word 2016 (15.37) on Mac OS 10.12.6.


Whenever Dropbox is running, and when a Word file is double clicked in Finder (regardless of whether the file is stored in the Dropbox folder or somewhere else), Dropbox seems to mess up with the file opening process and Word just opens its "New" dialog box and not the file. On the second attempt and while Word is still open, the file opens OK.


This does NOT happen with Dropbox 33.3.19 or when Dropbox is not running. 


Whenever Dropbox is shut down, Word DOES open files normally when double-clicked in Finder so clearly Dropbox 33.4.23 is interfering with the process in some way.

Dropbox Staff



I'm Reginald, from the Dropbox Desktop Team.  Thank you for you report.  We are actively looking into this and have been able to successfully reproduce the behavior. We will post an update on this thread on when a fix can be expected.

New member | Level 2

Took hours trying to figure out what was messing my office drop down menu's. I unistalled and re-installed. I even bought a new hard drive and reinstalled everthing fresh. Then finally i find out that its dropboxe's latest update is messing up my program. I lost a lot of my valuable time at work, it put the entire crew behind . I had to use another pc at work that did not have this issue. It litterally made Excel usless for me. So i must turn dropbox off until they fix the issue

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