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-uploadSessionFinishBatchCheck: - Getting path from errors

-uploadSessionFinishBatchCheck: - Getting path from errors

Keith B.7
Helpful | Level 7

Great, thank you again. I now have most of this working with one thing I still haven't managed:

- If DBFILESUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry results in -isFailure, how do I get the path the entry was trying to upload to? If there's a failure, I check the reasons and try re-uploading if possible. But in order to do that, I need the upload path so that I can retrieve information about the local file I was trying to upload and try again.

This isn't a problem with the non-batch methods, because the completion handlers have access to the path or information you passed into the calling methods. And in API 1's -restClient: uploadFromUploadIdFailedWithError: method, you could get the upload path from the "destPath" key of the NSError's userInfo dictionary.

I can't find a way of retrieving this information in API 2's batch checks, however. DBFILESUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry only provides failure (DBFILESUploadSessionFinishError) and success (meta-data) objects. The meta-data object isn't available in the case of a failure. And DBFILESUploadSessionFinishError provides no access to the path, nor do any of the properties on it.

Given that the upload path is vital information if a DBFILESUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry entry results in failure, I assume there must be some way of retrieving it, so could you please tell me what I'm missing?




DBRpcTask *checkTask = [self.dropboxClient.filesRoutes uploadSessionFinishBatchCheck:asyncJobId];
[self.dropboxClient.filesRoutes response:^(DBFILESUploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatus *status, DBASYNCPollError *pollError, DBError *dbError){
	if (status)
		if (status.isComplete)
			// Go through results.
			for (DBFILESUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry *result in status.complete.entries)
                    		if (result.isSuccess)
                        		DBFILESFileMetadata *metaData = result.success;
                        		// Do something (e.g. ensure local date and meta-data date are the same).
                    	else if (result.isFailure)
                        	DBFILESUploadSessionFinishError *error = result.failure;

				// How do I find exactly which file failed to upload? What is the path
				// on Dropbox that did not get uploaded?
	else // if (status.isInProgress)
		// Call this method to poll again after a delay.
else    // Error!
	// Handle errors.

(Alternatively, the sessionID associated with the chunked upload would be fine if I could retrieve that from the error, because I could record that against the file I was uploading at the start of the upload and then use it to look up the file on failure. Basically, I just need some information from the failure error that I can use to look up what exactly has failed.)



P.S. I tried posting this twice as a reply to the other thread about uploading chunks, but each time I submitted, it failed to show up on the forum.

5 Replies 5

Dropbox Staff

Sorry about the trouble with the forum! I think that got cleared up though, so I went and deleted the duplicates.


Anyway, these failure results don't return the session ID or path. (There's some complexity here unfortunately, but we'll consider it a feature request.) Instead, you should use the index of the result in the result list to correlate back to the list sent to FinishBatch.

Keith B.7
Helpful | Level 7

Thanks for retrieving my post!


Thanks for the reply, too. I realised that one way I could get a list of the failures was by checking a cached list of what was currently being uploaded against the meta-data for successful uploaded files - everything else being a failure.


Using the index is even better, though: so is it always safe to assume that the [(DBFILESUploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatus *)status complete].entries, array will be in the same order as the finish args passed into -uploadSessionFinishBatch:? (I'm used to results like this having no guaranteed order.)




Dropbox Staff
Yes, the order for that response is guaranteed to match. (I'll make a note to get that clearly documented.)

Keith B.7
Helpful | Level 7

Great, thank you!

Keith B.7
Helpful | Level 7

Unfortunately, it turns out the order doesn't match after all, as explained here:


I've therefore returned to my previous method.


Thanks and all the best,

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