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Ashley B.15
Helpful | Level 7


Would someone be able to help with the following error

401 route_access_denied.


I've encountered the above a couple of times now and would like some advice on best to handle it?


We use refresh tokens to obtain new access tokens, which appears to be working fine (did encounter and issue with tokens previously - tokens being truncated) but this has now been resolved.


We cache the tokens and obtain new tokens when they are due to expire.


What should we do when we encounter this error?


Thanks in advance

15 Replies 15

Helpful | Level 7

@Greg-DB we have encountered the above again. Any more news your end? Is there anyway to escalate it. Thanks again for all your help.

Dropbox Staff

@awb This is still open with the relevant engineering team. I'll check in with them.

New member | Level 2

This appears to be a more widespread issue - Maestral users have been reporting route_access_denied errors as well:

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for the note! The team is currently working on this. I'll follow up here once we have news on that.

Dropbox Staff

That team has deployed a fix to address this. Please let us know if you're still see any more instances of this now. (If so, please share samples of the 'X-Dropbox-Request-Id' response header values.) Thanks!

New member | Level 2


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