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Re: line break character in JSON

line break character in JSON

New member | Level 2

We are trying to use add_folder_member with a custom_message that includes line breaks.


We tried passing them as \n , \r, \n\r , \u0010. They get all stripped out


What is the right syntax to use?

4 Replies 4

Dropbox Staff
Thanks for the post! I don't believe we officially support any formatting like this for the message, but I'll be sure to pass this along as a feature request.

New member | Level 2
Thanks for the quick reply Greg. Does it mean that for now there is no way to pass line breaks in the JSON body? That would be quite limiting considering that when you type a custom message manually there is no such restriction.
Any workaround you can think of? Like a way of updating the default message for a folder so that we don't have to pass a custom message anymore?

Dropbox Staff
No, unfortunately I don't have a solution to offer for this.

New member | Level 2
ok thank for your help Greg. we'll adopt "write unformatted one-liners" as a temporary solution, hoping the support for line breaks will make into the features in the future
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