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filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2: Response failed with a 413 code

filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2: Response failed with a 413 code

Explorer | Level 3




I am trying to upload 10~20 image files at once to Dropbox professional account with Javascript SDK.

Each image is less than 15MB.


According to DBX Performance guide, I tried to upload 1 image with batch function like below.






file1 = "./public/demo/1.png";
file2 = "./public/demo/2.jpg";

data1 = fs.readFileSync(file1);
data2 = fs.readFileSync(file2);

tpath1 = "/demo/data12.png";
tpath2 = "/demo/data2.jpg";

function startBatch() {   
  return new Promise(resolve=> {
    r = dbx.filesUploadSessionStartBatch({
      num_sessions: 1

function upload(sid) {
  return new Promise(resolve=> {
       // r = dbx.filesUploadSessionStart({ close: true, contents: data1})
       console.log("upload func:"+sid);

    r = dbx.filesUploadSessionAppendV2({
      contents: data1,
      cursor: {
        contents: data1,
        session_id: sid[0],
        offset: data1.length 
      close: true

(async ()=>{
  r = await startBatch();  
  sid = r.result.session_ids;

  (async ()=>{
    r1 = await upload(sid);

    entries: [{
      cursor: {
        session_id: sid[0],
        offset: data1.length,
        contents: data1 
      commit: {
        path: tpath1, 
        mode: true, 
        autorename: true,
        mute: false, 
        strict_conflict: true






When the program runs at filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2, it show me 'DropboxResponseError: Response failed with a 413 code' like below




I tried to find out what the solution is, so far I don't get one.

Please note that I'm new to Javscript and ES6 : (

If you show me a code, that would be helpful.


I just want to upload 20 image files it without any error. 

Help me out please.

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

A 413 error indicates that the request failed because the payload was too large.


The filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2 method in particular is a way to finish multiple upload sessions at once, and does not itself accept file data. That being the case, don't set 'contents' when calling filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2.

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