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Re: dropbox.exceptions.AuthError: expired access token

dropbox.exceptions.AuthError: expired access token

Explorer | Level 4
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When I run an app I developed, I get an error.

dropbox.exceptions.AuthError: AuthError('89ade68e26bd49d592d01bfbfae5659b', AuthError('expired_access_token', None))

What could be wrong with my OAuth code?

return DropboxOAuth2Flow(

def oauth_callback():
auth_result = oauth_flow().finish(request.args)
access_token = auth_result.access_token
account = auth_result.account_id

redis_client.hset('tokens', account, access_token)


return redirect(url_for('done'))

def login():
return redirect(oauth_flow().start())

 Thank you

13 Replies 13

Explorer | Level 4
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Sorry, error in my last post. Where I said "I could find a reference to long lived access tokens" I meant to say "I could NOT find a reference to long lived access tokens". Sorry for any confusions. My whole point is I cannot find this reference to a long lived access token in my app settings. Thanks

Legendary | Level 20
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Hi @marksmithhfx,

Generation of long lived access token has been dropped already, despite of available (generated before) can be used still. Yes, some documentation isn't very clear unfortunately. 🤷 Maybe the are not updated yet.

Usage of refresh token can be used to achieve the same user experience - it doesn't expire. 😉 That's it. When you read something about long lived access token, think of it as a history (mostly). 🙂

Hope this helps.

Dropbox Staff
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@Johnson9070 wrote:

Hi Greg,


Does this mean that the user gets the logon window to authorize each time ?


Cheers , John


The user will see the login window to authorize just once.


@Johnson9070 wrote:

Hi ,

I'm relatively new at python.

At the moment i log on like this:


def Dropbox_logon(self):
self.dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(self.token)
x = self.dbx.users_get_current_account()
print('Logon ok')

I'm a bit lost how to write this with the auth flow.


You can see an example of OAuth flows written using our Python SDKs here, and here.

Dropbox Staff
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Dropbox is in the process of switching to only issuing short-lived access tokens (and optional refresh tokens) instead of long-lived access tokens. While the change began on September 30th 2021, we're releasing it gradually, so some users may not have seen app(s) affected until now and the option is available in their app console. 


Apps can still get long-term access by requesting "offline" access though, in which case the app receives a "refresh token" that can be used to retrieve new short-lived access tokens as needed, without further manual user intervention. You can find more information in the OAuth Guide and authorization documentation.

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