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Web login issue

Web login issue

Andrew S.60
New member | Level 1

We are trying to provide users the ability to connect their Dropbox account to a hardware device we manufacture (a scanner).  This device comes with an embedded browser based on QT4 ( apple webkit 534.34 ), as such we are rendering the web login page in this browser, but users are unable to submit the login form.  Looking at the source html, it appears that in some circumstances the login submit is disabled for certain browsers.

Modern Firefox or Chrome:

<button type="submit" class="login-button button-primary"><div class="sign-in- text">Sign in</div>


<button disabled="True" type="submit" class="login-button button-primary"><div class="sign-in- text">Sign in</div>

Can we please get some assistance with allowing QT4 based browsers to login to Dropbox.

Thanks in advance,


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Dropbox Staff

It seems the browser you're referring to is based on an old version of WebKit. Unfortunately, this browser isn't officially supported by the Dropbox web site:

That being the case, I'm afraid I don't have a good solution to offer, as we can't offer fixes for old browsers. When developing an app, you should make sure the OAuth flow is processed via a supported browser.

Andrew S.60
New member | Level 1

I can understand stating that Dropbox won't fix issues with their website not functioning properly on unsupported browsers, but the login page appears to be explicitly disabling the login button because of the browser version.  We're simply leveraging the website for the OAuth flow and completely disabling the ability to login seems overkill, especially for such a flow like OAuth which is commonly embedded into another app, and not necessarily a website.

Steve M.
Dropbox Staff

Andrew, I'm not 100% sure without investigating, but I believe the login button is always disabled on initial page load. It's then enabled via JavaScript, but presumably something's failing before we get to that point on the browser you're using.

Unless there's a specific security issue that we're mitigating, it's unlikely that we're intentionally disabling the button on unsupported browsers; it's more that we do no testing on those browsers and as a policy don't attempt to fix bugs that only affect unsupported browsers.

I realize this can be difficult if you're trying to use an embedded browser in your app, but browser compatibility is difficult, especially on a page like the login page, where we have to be extremely sensitive to security concerns and take advantage of as many modern browser security features as we can. My suggestion is the same as Gregory's: try to use the system's default browser if at all possible.

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