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Smart Sync Sync CLI or AppleScript

Smart Sync Sync CLI or AppleScript

Helpful | Level 6

 When I move an "Online only" file into a "Local" folder, the file stays "Online Only", and the folder changes to a "mixed" state. Is there a way with Smart Sync to force anything I move from an "online only" folder to a "Local" folder to changes the state of the file to local?


We're looking for an automated way, via the command line, an applescript, whatever- that forces files to download to a "local" state when a script runs that moves online only files into a local "to do" folder.

29 Replies 29

Helpful | Level 6

I would really like this feature!

I'm running into a problem with the OS X Finder extension so I don't have control over what paths can take advantage of Smart Sync (aside from new directories). Being able to control this from the API would be INVALUABLE to me.

New member | Level 2

+1 for smart sync CLI. This would allow us as a company to customize our user syncing along exactly the metrics we care about.

I've felt a bit hamstrung by the lack of tuning Dropbox provides, although it's gotten a bit better lately. If I had a smart sync CLI, we could tune the settings exactly how we want. (E.g., no local .rvt files on tablets.) This would be a big quality of life improvement for our firm.

New member | Level 2

Have Dropbox managed to move this request forward?  I’d also find it very useful to automate the process of changing the status of older files into an online status using a script or a built in feature to the GUI interface

Dropbox Staff

@danFLP No, unfortunately I don't have any news on this request. We appreciate the feedback, and I've sent it along to the team.

New member | Level 2

+1 for me too.

Helpful | Level 5

It's been more than a year for this request.  Why don't you all get some open source repositiories and get help from the community for these things?  You can still make sure that any API is as secure or more so than the desktop apps.



Dropbox Staff

@Daniel_Dosen Thanks for the idea! I'll pass it along.

Helpful | Level 5

Me too. Pro user...

Helpful | Level 5

Chiming in here - would be amazing to be able to via some API toggle which files should be local/online. RegEX support would be superb, possibly even hidden behind some "advanced features" checkbox so normal users won't accidentaly mess up/get scared.

But a very basic and easily implementable feature would be to add a command line equivalent to right clicking and choosing local/online.

Helpful | Level 5

It would be very helpful. Thinking here of mac and the linux clients.

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