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Re: OAuth 2.0 Access Token Validity

OAuth 2.0 Access Token Validity

New member | Level 1

I have been trying to use the dropbox apis through OAuth 2.0 authentication support. I found that the access token generated through the authorize and token end points seems to be valid for over 2 days. I had expected it to expire after a while (say couple of hours) assuming that to be a standard.

I would like to know the validity period of the access token. Can someone share provide some inputs?

4 Replies 4

Steve M.
Dropbox Staff


Access tokens effectively don't expire.

New member | Level 1

Isn't it a security issue if the token don't expire?

Steve M.
Dropbox Staff

Because Dropbox does a database lookup for each request, our bearer tokens are immediately revocable by code or by the user (via We reviewed our OAuth 2 implementation with respect to the issues raised in that Stack Overflow answer as well as many other sources, and we're comfortable with what we have from a security perspective.

New member | Level 1


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