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Re: Java dropbox GUI

Java dropbox GUI

travis h.4
New member | Level 1

How would one go about creating a uploadFile method in Java that has a GUI? for example I am trying to use JFileChooser to execute a selected file in which I can click on the file and call the file and pass it into a file then send it out as a fileInputStream so looking at the code cause its a lot easier to explain. 


Something like this..


JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();


File inputFile = fc.getSelectedFile();
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);

try {

DbxEntry.File uploadedFile = client.uploadFile("/javaroots.jpg",

DbxWriteMode.add(), inputFile.length(), inputStream);

String sharedUrl = client.createShareableUrl("/javaroots.jpg");

System.out.println("Uploaded: " + uploadedFile.toString() + " URL " + sharedUrl);

} finally {







4 Replies 4

Dropbox Staff

Where are you stuck exactly? Are you having trouble with the Dropbox portion of this? If so, what error are you getting?

The matter of building a GUI around it is out of scope for Dropbox API support so I'm afraid this wouldn't be a good place for help with that aspect of your project.

travis h.4
New member | Level 1

Thanks for the response Gregory,


Yes, I am having troubles in context of the actual file upload method. The main guts of the program; user logging into dropbox and getting a access link etc. is working and connecting fine with no problems but when the upload method is executed I am getting errors (posted below this reply) the File object ( File file = getSelectedFile(); or File file = new File(); ) is all in red underline? 

I also have a question posted in StackoverFlow pertaining to this question if you would like to look perhaps

If you would like any more info. in context of this I can post the whole program as well if need to be. I appreciate your response, Happy New Year!








Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - no suitable constructor found for File(java.lang.String) constructor com.dropbox.core.DbxEntry.File.File(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean,long,java.lang.String,java.util.Date,java.util.Date,java.lang.String,com.dropbox.core.DbxEntry.File.PhotoInfo,com.dropbox.core.DbxEntry.File.VideoInfo) is not applicable (actual and formal argument lists differ in length) constructor com.dropbox.core.DbxEntry.File.File(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean,long,java.lang.String,java.util.Date,java.util.Date,java.lang.String) is not applicable (actual and formal argument lists differ in length) at daword.dropBox.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed( at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased( at

travis h.4
New member | Level 1

I should highlight also that I'm not trying to focus on the GUI question I am having success with that portion its just simply this bit of code hanging me up...



public void uploadFile() throws FileNotFoundException, DbxException, IOException{

fc = new JFileChooser();

int dialog = fc.showSaveDialog(this);

if (dialog == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {

inputFile = fc.getSelectedFile();

FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
// this is where its not uploading all the code above is running fine

uploadedFile = client.uploadFile(homeDir,
DbxWriteMode.add(), inputFile.length(), inputStream);
String sharedUrl = client.createShareableUrl(homeDir);
System.out.println("Uploaded: " + uploadedFile.toString() + " URL " + sharedUrl);
} catch (IOException e){

Dropbox Staff

Note, for anyone following along who may be having the same problem, another one of our developer advocates offered an answer on the StackOverflow question.

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