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Re: IOS ASWebAuthenticationSession for OAuth

IOS ASWebAuthenticationSession for OAuth

Helpful | Level 6
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Previously I used a WKWebView  browser control to perform the OAUth. This allowed me to trap the redirect URL to obtain the access code. My redirect URL was http://localhost/Auth

Now I am using the Native browser interface ASWebAuthenticationSession This requires that you use an APPLICATION specific callback URL scheme for your redirect uri. i.e. MyAppName://Auth

The Dropbox APP console allows me to specifiy this as the Redirect URL but gives an error when I try to call the  oauth2/authrize endpoint using this as the redirect_uri

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Helpful | Level 6
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Thanks, I used the Code flow as it looked more secure.

It would seem that custom URL schemes would be as secure as LOCALHOST ... both of which can only work on the user's device.




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6 Replies 6

Dropbox Staff
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Can you share the full URL of the page displaying the error, as well as the text of the error itself? Thanks in advance! 

Helpful | Level 6
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    static let CLIENT_ID = "......"
    static let CLIENT_SECRET = "...."
    static let REDIRECT_URL = "myapp://Auth"
    static let OAUTH_URL = ""
    override func OAuthURL() -> String {
      return String(format:"%@?redirect_uri=%@&response_type=code&client_id=%@&force_reapprove=true",

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The image did not get attached ... here it is as a link:

Screen Capture

Dropbox Staff
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Thanks! Based on the code you shared, I see that you're using the "code" flow (i.e., 'response_type=code'). For the code flow, only "https://" is allowed in the redirect URI (unless on localhost), so "myapp://" wouldn't be allowed.

Instead, for client-side applications like this, you should use the "token" flow, i.e., 'response_type=token'. That does allow custom URL schemes in redirect URIs, such as "myapp://". 

For more information on how to use the token flow, please refer to the /oauth2/authorize documentation.

Helpful | Level 6
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Thanks, I used the Code flow as it looked more secure.

It would seem that custom URL schemes would be as secure as LOCALHOST ... both of which can only work on the user's device.




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{"swagger": "2.0", "basePath": "/", "paths": {"/model/metadata": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"des
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