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How to upload file in specific team space folder?

How to upload file in specific team space folder?

Dmitry Moschik
Explorer | Level 3

Hi I am using 

Post Request

endpoint to upload file in Dropbox


Authorization => access token of dropbox app
Content-Type => application/octet-stream
Dropbox-API-Arg => {"path":"folderpath/filename.png","mode":{".tag":"add"}} 

Here is reference I found API documentation

Able to upload file in user folder.

But want to know how to upload file in specific team space folder.

When I upload the file in Dropbox folder name start with /home/username/foldername/filename.png


Please let me know the way to upload file in specific Dropbox team space folder.

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

Dropbox API calls operate in  the member folder by default, not the team space, but you can access the team space when desired. To do so, you'll need to specify an additional header to configure that. Please refer to the Team Files Guide for information on how to do so: 

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