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Re: Fulfilling a File Request via HTTP

Fulfilling a File Request via HTTP

Artem C.2
New member | Level 1

If I generated a file request URL, is there any way to upload a file to it programmatically? For example, here is a pseudo-curl request that I imagine:

curl -XPOST --data @file.jpg

I know I could use the HTTP API to upload a file to an app folder instead, but it gives the client both read and write access to the target directory, and it requires me to share my access token if I’m to give this upload script to a friend or a colleague.

12 Replies 12

Dropbox Staff

Unfortunately, no, there currently isn't an API for uploading to a file request, but I'll be sure to pass this along as a feature request.

Artem C.2
New member | Level 1

Ok, I hope to see it in the future versions of your API. Thank you Gregory!

Steve M.62
New member | Level 1

Has this changed? I am trying to automate anonymous upload (to a business account) via curl. Is this possible now? Thanks.

Richard P.
Super User alumni

No, no change.

Dropbox Staff

That's correct, no change on this for file requests.

Steve, depending on your use case though, using the Dropbox API to upload directly may work for you:

Steve M.62
New member | Level 1

Hmm. In my use case, the auth token could potentially fall into untrusted hands. I did not see anything in the API that would let me limit token permissions to strictly uploading a file. It seems like the token would be granted read as well as write permissions, plus some account-related stuff as well.

Is there a way to restrict a token to only permit uploading and no other access? Thanks!

Dropbox Staff

I see, unfortunately, no, there isn't a way to restrict tokens to that level. I'll send this along as a feature request. 

New member | Level 2

I'm actually also interested in such a feature. Still no support in API? 

Hans Kristian M
New member | Level 2
would be an easy and powerful way to ship files between systems and add to the usefulness of dropbox
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