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Re: File uploading error

File uploading error

New member | Level 2

Error uploading to Dropbox: Exception in upload: {".tag":"path","reason":{".tag":"conflict","conflict":"file"},"upload_session_id":"AAAAAAAAAQdoevdEEZbGaw"}

5 Replies 5

Dropbox Staff
A path/conflict/file error indicates that the upload failed because a file already exists at the path specified.

You'd need to remove/rename the existing file, use a different file name for the upload, or use a different write mode to get that call to succeed. You can find more information in the documentation:

(There is also corresponding documentation for the native methods in the documentation for the official SDKs, if you're using one.)

Collaborator | Level 8

How may I change the writemode while using chunked upload .?

I'm using dropbox dotnet api

Dropbox Staff

@evry1falls When uploading via upload sessions with the .NET SDK, you can set the write mode via the CommitInfo object(s) you supply to the UploadSessionFinishAsync or UploadSessionFinishBatchAsync methods.

Collaborator | Level 8

I changed the chunksize to 512 kb, I will give it a shot now and I will get back to you.

Collaborator | Level 8

Thank you so much [File uploaded Successfully.]

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