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Dropbox Difference in Response

Dropbox Difference in Response

Syed Saad A.
Explorer | Level 4

I have a service which sync all files and folder from dropbox after each 5 minutes using Dropbov API V2.
Service is deployed on two environments Staging and Live. The problem is I have 1 folder which has 448 files/folder on my dropbox account.
On live it took 4 minutes to fetch all files in 1 dropbox api request whereas on staging it took almost 40 minutes with multiple dropbox api continue request. Like first it fetch 113 items then again it goes back and fetch 13 and so on. Any idea why it is taking so much time on Staging? same service is deployed on both staging and live environment and connected to same Dropbox Account

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

Unfortunately it's hard to say off hand what may be happening here. Can you add some logging to see exactly what calls the app is making and what responses it's receiving in both cases? If you can share that, we may be able to offer more insight. (If you'd prefer to share privately, feel free to open an API ticket with that here.)

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