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Cannot download a file through the api call

Cannot download a file through the api call

Explorer | Level 3
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I cannot download files with the api-call bellow


 curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8' \ --header 'Dropbox-API-Select-User: dbmid:AADVooZVTYhULkIUtBUVxhZRu0VePEYdr8A' \ --header 'Dropbox-API-Arg: {"path": "/TasosFolder/a.csv"}' .


The path is correct but I get 

{ "error_summary": "path/not_found/.", "error": { ".tag": "path", "path": { ".tag": "not_found" } } }


The file as you can see in the image bellow is in the correct path: 

Screenshot 2021-09-23 at 7.18.02 PM.png

This is important since I have implemented code for getting all the files from a directory and I have stuck here and this is for a customer who want to have access in getting data from Dropbox through my company's product.

Can anyone help?


Thank you in advance,





1 Accepted Solution

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Dropbox Staff
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It looks like the file you're referring to is located in the "team space". API calls default to the "member folder", not the team space though, so to access anything in the team space you will need to also specify the "Dropbox-API-Path-Root" header. Please refer to the Team Files Guide for information on using that:


By the way, note that access tokens enable access to Dropbox accounts/teams, so for the sake of security, you should never share access tokens like this. I redacted it from your post, but since this access token has been shared here, you should disable this access token. You can do so by revoking access to the app entirely, if the access token is for your team and you are a team admin, here:

Or, you can disable just this access token using the API:

Note that doing so will cause any further API calls made using this access token to fail. This cannot be undone, and you would need to get a new access token to replace this one.

View solution in original post

4 Replies 4

Dropbox Staff
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It looks like the file you're referring to is located in the "team space". API calls default to the "member folder", not the team space though, so to access anything in the team space you will need to also specify the "Dropbox-API-Path-Root" header. Please refer to the Team Files Guide for information on using that:


By the way, note that access tokens enable access to Dropbox accounts/teams, so for the sake of security, you should never share access tokens like this. I redacted it from your post, but since this access token has been shared here, you should disable this access token. You can do so by revoking access to the app entirely, if the access token is for your team and you are a team admin, here:

Or, you can disable just this access token using the API:

Note that doing so will cause any further API calls made using this access token to fail. This cannot be undone, and you would need to get a new access token to replace this one.

Explorer | Level 3
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Ok now this is my request


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8' \
--header 'Dropbox-API-Select-User: dbmid:AABpiqc0an7cRcBJJuGjlVKAqP4NcHekymI' \
--header 'Dropbox-API-Path-Root: {".tag": "root", "root":"2005609681"}' \
--header 'Dropbox-API-Arg: {"path": "/TasosFolder/a.csv"}'
And the response I get is three curls with status 200..I don't think that this is what I expected right?

curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Basic ==" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"oauth1_token\": \"\",\"oauth1_token_secret\": \"\"}"

curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"query\": \"foo\"}"


curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Dropbox-API-Select-User:" \
--data "{\"path\": \"/Homework/math\",\"include_media_info\": false,\"include_deleted\": false,\"include_has_explicit_shared_members\": false}"

curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"limit\": 1000}"

curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header 'Dropbox-API-Select-User: dbmid:AADVooZVTYhULkIUtBUVxhZRu0VePEYdr8A' \
--data "{\"path\": \"/Content/Aisera/\",\"include_media_info\": false,\"include_deleted\": false,\"include_has_explicit_shared_members\": false}"

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Dropbox-API-Select-User: dbmid:AADVooZVTYhULkIUtBUVxhZRu0VePEYdr8A' \
--data-raw '{
"path": "/Nested_Folder/",
"shared_link": {
"url": ""

curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--header 'Dropbox-API-Select-User: dbmid:AADVooZVTYhULkIUtBUVxhZRu0VePEYdr8A' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"path\": \"/\",\"include_media_info\": false,\"include_deleted\": false,\"include_has_explicit_shared_members\": false}"




Also, You can see the image bellow of what I get
Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 12.41.07 AM.png

Dropbox Staff
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A 200 status code indicates that the call succeeded, which for /2/files/download means that the requested file data is returned in the response body. So, it looks like your "a.csv" file actually contains that sample curl code, and your client is showing it as text there in that "Body" section.

Explorer | Level 3
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I confirmed with customer! You have right! Thank you very much for your help!

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