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Access Token

Access Token

Explorer | Level 3
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I would like to know if is possible a person who is not developer get your token?

I ask this because I'm developing an app that can access to any account, for example, in my computer the app needs do access to my account (in the begin I select my account to access), if I pass this app to other person that isn't a developer, this person needs to be able to access your account (not my account) even isn't a developer(in the begin the person select your account to access).


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1 Accepted Solution

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Also, make sure to update the redirect URI to match the new port. 


We've now updated the repo in Github to have the two projects point to different ports now to avoid this in the future. Pulling the latest code should fix everything. If not (maybe due to cached files), Properties -> Web -> Create Virtual Directory should fix it.

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Dropbox Staff
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Yes, using the OAuth app authorization flow, your app can have each user connect their own Dropbox account. The OAuth guide here may be helpful:


If you're using an official SDK, the tutorial/documentation will have information on implementing the OAuth app authorization flow.

Explorer | Level 3
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First of all, thanks for the answer.

I have already read the file that you say, but I continue to not understood in practice how to apply. 

What I understood untill now is that, to get the token the user need to be a developer. You said that is possible each user connect their own account, but how they can obtain the token if they aren't developers.


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Dropbox Staff
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Users don't need to be developers to get an access token for your app.

What SDK/library are you using, if any? How you set this up depends on what you're using.

Explorer | Level 3
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Thanks for the answer.

You say that the users don't need to be developers to get an access token, how can they obtain this token? Or their token is the same that i'm using now in the tests?

I'm programming in C# (.NET) in the Visual Studio 2015. I'm new in the use of the OAuth/OAuth2, I just already read the documentation about this theme but I couldn't understood very well, hence my question.


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Dropbox Staff
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Are you using our official .NET SDK? We recommend doing so. It comes with a SimpleBlogDemo example app that shows how to use DropboxOAuth2Helper to process the app authorization flow.


Each user will get their own access token once they go through the app authorization flow. An access token identifies a particular app-user pair, so it will be different from your own access token.

Explorer | Level 3
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Thanks for the answer.

In the Visual Studio I install in the "Package Manager Console" the .NET SDk like is in the website (PM> Install-Package Dropbox.Api). This is what you mean? Or there are other SDK diferent of visual studio that I need to install?


I tried to run the SimpleBlogDemo example but gives an error in the access to dropbox (Server Error in '/' Application). I already changed the APP KEY and SECRET in the Web.config and add the http://localhost:5000/Home/Auth in the app console and not work. There are some think that I can do to correct this problem?  


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Dropbox Staff
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Yes, that's the official .NET SDK.

What's the actual error you're getting on the backend of the sample app?

Explorer | Level 3
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Thanks for the answer.

The error appeared on a web page and is the following:

Server error in application '/'.

Error Analyser

Description: Error parsing a resource required to make this request. See the specific analysis error details below and modify your source file appropriately.

Error message analyzer: Could not load type 'SimpleBusinessDashboard.MvcApplication'.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="SimpleBusinessDashboard.MvcApplication" Language="C#" %>

Source file: /global.asax Linha: 1

Version Info: Microsoft .NET Framework version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET version:4.6.1586.0


How can resolve this?


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Dropbox Staff
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We can't seem to reproduce that error. Did you follow the instructions for setting it up? (Also, I reccomended trying the SimpleBlogDemo, but it looks like you're trying to run the SimpleBusinessDashboard sample.) If you can share steps to reproduce it, that would be helpful.


In any case, looking online, there seem to be several things that can cause this. Can you take a look at those?

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