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Access Shared Folder with API

Access Shared Folder with API

Explorer | Level 4

Hi Team,


can any one please help me to get access in shared folder to extract the meta data like subfolder size and file count.

I was unable to locate the shared folder through api always it says, lookup not found:

Error: ApiError('e266db43b6334ae9bacaa86ee7c566b4', ListFolderError('path', LookupError('not_found', None)))


Below is my folder structure in dropbox:



trying with below code to get all of root folder but I am getting only App folder

#Code I am using to get all the folder

dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(access_token)

    folder = ''
    response = dbx.files_list_folder(folder)
    # If no AuthError is raised, it means the scope is working correctly
    print("Scope is working correctly.")
except dropbox.exceptions.AuthError as e:
    print(f"AuthError: {e}")
as output I am receiving only one folder which is Apps folder 
Output: entries=[FolderMetadata(id='id:CUbXpRMh8dwAAAAAAAAACg', name='Apps', parent_shared_folder_id=NOT_SET, path_display='/Apps', path_lower='/apps', preview_url=NOT_SET, property_groups=NOT_SET, shared_folder_id=NOT_SET, sharing_info=NOT_SET)], has_more=False)
9 Replies 9

Dropbox Staff

I see you're trying to access the contents of a folder in your "team space". By default, API calls operate in the "member folder" of the connected account, not the "team space". You can configure API calls to operate in the "team space" instead though. To do so, you'll need to set the "Dropbox-API-Path-Root" header. You can find information on this in the Team Files Guide. With the Python SDK, you would do so using the with_path_root method.

Explorer | Level 4

I have tried with this below code snippet still I am getting error


from json import JSONDecodeError
import requests
import dropbox
from dropbox.exceptions import AuthError, ApiError

# Authenticate your app
access_token = 'My Access Token'
dbx = dropbox.DropboxTeam(access_token)

def get_user_id(email😞
        # Get the list of team members
        members = dbx.team_members_list()

        # Find the user with the specified email
        for member in members.members:
            if == email:
                return member.profile.team_member_id
    except AuthError as e:
        print('Error authenticating with Dropbox API:', e)
        return None        

def list_files_in_folder(folder_path😞
        # Set the API endpoint URL

        # Set the request headers
        headers = {
            'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Dropbox-API-Select-User': user_id  # Replace user_id with the desired user's ID

        # Set the request parameters
        data = {
            'path': folder_path,
            'recursive': True

        # Send the request
        response =, headers=headers, json=data)
        response_data = response.json()

        # Process the entries in the folder
        for entry in response_data['entries']:
            print(entry['name'])  # Print the name of the file or folder

            if entry['.tag'] == 'folder':
                # Recursively list files in subfolders

    except AuthError as e:
        print('Error authenticating with Dropbox API:', e)
    except ApiError as e:
        print('Error listing folder:', e)
    except JSONDecodeError as e:
        print('Error decoding JSON response:', e)

# Set the folder path
folder_path = ' '  # Replace with the actual folder path

# Get the user ID for a specific email
user_email = ' User Name'  # Replaced with the desired user's email
user_id = get_user_id(user_email)

# List files in the folder for the specific user
Still getting below error
{"error_summary": "path/not_found/.", "error": {".tag": "path", "path": {".tag": "not_found"}}}
{"error_summary": "path/not_found/.", "error": {".tag": "path", "path": {".tag": "not_found"}}}

Dropbox Staff

@rahulj1 Please review my previous message. In order to access the team space, you'll need to set the "Dropbox-API-Path-Root" header, which can be done in the Python SDK using the with_path_root method. In your latest code, you still don't seem to be using the "Dropbox-API-Path-Root" header or with_path_root method.


Also, in this latest code I see you've implemented some of your own code for performing the HTTP request to /2/files/list_folder, however that is not necessary as it is provided natively by the official Dropbox SDK, via the files_list_folder method, like you had in your original code.


Here's a very basic example of how you might use with_path_root and files_list_folder with the Dropbox Python SDK.

import dropbox

dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(ACCESS_TOKEN)

root_namespace_id = dbx.users_get_current_account().root_info.root_namespace_id

path = ""

(This is assuming a user-linked access token, more like your original code sample.)

Explorer | Level 4

While I am trying with Root path, I am getting below error

BadInputError('8b261218809945cb828cd56a177f8df2', 'Error in call to API function "users/get_current_account": This API function operates on a single Dropbox account, but the OAuth 2 access token you provided is for an entire Dropbox Business team. Since your API app key has team member file access permissions, you can operate on a team member\'s Dropbox by providing the "Dropbox-API-Select-User" HTTP header or "select_user" URL parameter to specify the exact user <>.')

Dropbox Engineer

Hi @rahulj1


You are still trying to call a user endpoint using a team token, that's why you are receiving errors.


The following code snippet should help you get the information you are looking for:


import dropbox

dbx = dropbox.DropboxTeam("ACCESS_TOKEN").as_user("TEAM_MEMBER_ID")

root_namespace_id = dbx.users_get_current_account().root_info.root_namespace_id

path = ""



In the above code, you can use the team token you have used previously, and call the .as_user() method with the team_member_id, to retrieve the data.

Explorer | Level 4

Hi Deb,


Thanks for some how it works with user ID of team member, but I don't know how I can utilize the output to get folder size and file count


ListFolderResult(cursor='AAEy9LSRRFtili8gf8rcZ29hN4PQliBGohGDpBAbKUyJeRJ65mH93FzWh0YFgxfN214N0YM2V7m3lxP_hIQLEepf-Fyqao9Cncw5Hzi-0zCnVhS1-HyQnFVtim3RFt1eWuc9T9DniZ0idfexWLym-8G77lbzL0dVLD0AYg_zkW_cNcFOJ4gEun-DRkNbAcFHBtmjq1IrflOpNKDkrEoGTZXP3eQLgY2AqU1kep_okDhwS1cmNQdMPdT1wG51Et08dqIUtJSt_aXEXC8Ydc77mMdR', entries=[FolderMetadata(id='id:WKNO8Vu_-TsAAAAAAAAAEw', name='Pivotal Brand Team Folder', parent_shared_folder_id='3494645729', path_display='/Pivotal Brand Team Folder', path_lower='/pivotal brand team folder', preview_url=NOT_SET, property_groups=NOT_SET, shared_folder_id='1143758326', sharing_info=FolderSharingInfo(no_access=False, parent_shared_folder_id='3494645729', read_only=False, shared_folder_id='1143758326', traverse_only=False)), FolderMetadata(id='id:WKNO8Vu_-TsAAAAAAAAAJg', name='Rahul Jaiswal', parent_shared_folder_id='3494645729', path_display='/Rahul Jaiswal', path_lower='/rahul jaiswal', preview_url=NOT_SET, property_groups=NOT_SET, shared_folder_id=NOT_SET, sharing_info=FolderSharingInfo(no_access=False, parent_shared_folder_id='3494645729', read_only=False, shared_folder_id=NOT_SET, traverse_only=False))], has_more=False)

Dropbox Engineer

files_list_folder and files_list_folder_continue return the size of files only, not the size of the folder. You could list all of the contents of a folder using files_list_folder and files_list_folder_continue and then add up the files and file sizes, for all of the files in the folder, to get a file count and size, respectively.

Explorer | Level 4



Thanks for your response.


Could you please provide sample code snippet to extract size and count from a team folder?

Dropbox Staff

@rahulj1 You'll need to write and test your own code to suit your particular use case, but it might look something like this:

import dropbox

dbx = dropbox.DropboxTeam(ACCESS_TOKEN).as_user(TEAM_MEMBER_ID)
root_namespace_id = dbx.users_get_current_account().root_info.root_namespace_id
dbx = dbx.with_path_root(dropbox.common.PathRoot.root(root_namespace_id))

total_file_size = 0
total_file_count = 0

def handle_entries(entries):
    size = 0
    count = 0
    for entry in entries:
        if (isinstance(entry, dropbox.files.FileMetadata)):
            size += entry.size
            count += 1
    return size, count

folder_path = ""
res = dbx.files_list_folder(path=folder_path, recursive=True)
add_file_size, add_file_count = handle_entries(res.entries)
total_file_size += add_file_size
total_file_count += add_file_count

while res.has_more:
    res = dbx.files_list_folder_continue(cursor=res.cursor)
    add_file_size, add_file_count = handle_entries(res.entries)
    total_file_size += add_file_size
    total_file_count += add_file_count

print("total file size: " + str(total_file_size))
print("total file count: " + str(total_file_count))


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