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API v1 Turn Off Time

API v1 Turn Off Time

Mark R.5
Helpful | Level 5

I know it is available till 28th Sep (today), but it would be nice to know what time it will actually be turned off so I can start to monitor any issues.

16 Replies 16

Dropbox Staff
We haven't officially announced a specific time for the shutdown, but it will likely be some time around 10 am PDT.

Mark R.5
Helpful | Level 5
Thanks, that's useful.

Mark R.5
Helpful | Level 5
Just realised that the cutoff date is somewhat ambiguous (could be interpreted as today or tomorrow). Presume you meant 10:00am (ish) today?

Dropbox Staff
Yes, I meant today. It should be happening relatively soon.

Dropbox Staff
For reference, API v1 was retired at about 11:15 am PDT.

New member | Level 2

Will this feature be turned back on?

Dropbox Staff

@Daidoe No, API v1 has been retired in favor of API v2, which offers more functionality. 


If you're a developer and you need more time to migrate your app to API v2, we can offer an extension for access to API v1 though. To request that, open an API ticket with the app key(s) for your app(s) that you need an extension for.

New member | Level 2

We haven't full developed the API v2 yet, just sent an extension v1 request now via ticket as suggested. Hope to get it soon since our servers are down because of that.

New member | Level 2

I am not a developer - I have a Dropbox plus. One of my team members just received the v1_retired error message when attempting to save something in Dropbox. Sounds like her version has not migrated. None of us are "developer-savvy" so what do we do??? I have advised her to uninstall Dropbox and reinstall it. Is there something else that we should be doing?

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