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Re: 500 internal Server Error

500 internal Server Error

Cynthia B.2
New member | Level 1

I've using the following endpoint  to retrieve files and folders: this returns 2000 entries and then get hasmore = true and the cursor. I then user this for the following endpoint :

Everytime it returns internal server errror with no error detail. Can you help?




37 Replies 37

Ashley B.15
Helpful | Level 7

Hi Greg,

Is there any update on this? The reason I ask is that the API v1 endpoints are going to be closed off June 28 2017 and it looks like this endpoint has some issues. If there is no solution is there a reliable work around?


Would processing each folder and its content be a reliable way?


Many thanks

Dropbox Staff
No, no update on this right now. I can't promise if that would work as a workaround, as each case may be different, but it may help.

Explorer | Level 3

Since yesterday I have the same error on a directory containing about 5300 files. The day before everything worked fine. This is a big problem!!! How can I solve it?


Explorer | Level 3

Sorry i had forgotten:


x-dropbox-request-id:  411bff0079c4fb574ef5b275949d594d

Dropbox Staff
Thanks for the request ID volkeru! That one happens to be a different issue than the one originally reported on this this thread, but it is also a known issue we're working on.

Explorer | Level 3

Thank you for the answer! I just solved the problem in a VERY strange way! I renamed the folder in the Dropbox web interface from "TitaniumBackup" (which initially caused the problems) to "TitaniumBackup_" and then to "TitaniumBackup" back again. After renaming the folder twice everything now works again. But all 5000 files are being synchronized again, which takes more than 24 hours. Same as if I had deleted them all. This is really strange and obviously a thing you should work on... 😉

Explorer | Level 4

Also experiencing the 500 error, please let me know if this is the same issue or something new and hopefully an idea of when we could expect a fix?




Dropbox Staff
Thanks for the report attic! That's the same issue as the one volkeru reported. We're working on it.

New member | Level 2
Can you please give some indication of how long you expect this to take? We need to decide whether to workaround or not.

Dropbox Staff
I don't have an ETA for a fix right now. I'll post here once I have an update.
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