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Can I roll back my Dropbox account to 1-2 years ago with a specific subscription?

Can I roll back my Dropbox account to 1-2 years ago with a specific subscription?

New member | Level 2

Hello! I moved files from Dropbox to Google Drive. I'm not sure exactly when I did this move; it was somewhere around 1-2 years ago. I realized this morning that some of the files never properly transferred to Google Drive (the folders are all there, but the files are not). I'm trying to figure out a way to restore the Dropbox file. I can still see one file on the dropbox app, because it was starred but I cannot see two other files that I'd like to access (the two others were not starred). 


Is there any way to go back 1-2 years? Do I need a specific version of dropbox to do this?

1 Reply 1

Super User II

@KF9 wrote:

Is there any way to go back 1-2 years? Do I need a specific version of dropbox to do this?

Unfortunately there is no way to recover that far back. All recovery options only work if you are, at the time of deletion, a paid member and continue to be so. However, even if that was the case the longest recovery window Dropbox offers is 12 months. Therefore even if you had kept your paid account you wouldn't be able to recover that far back anyway. 


It isn't possible to upgrade now and get retroactive benefits. 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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