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Forum Discussion

Johnald8's avatar
Explorer | Level 3
12 months ago

Network error when uploading files to mobile app on Android

Since last week, file uploads from Android App do not work anymore.

I follow the usual procedure, selecting the files, "adding/sharing" them to dropbox. It starts to upload but gets stuck and fails, saying "network error: it will try again whenever you have connection".


I can assure I have internet connection and tried both with wifi and phone data (checking other functions that use internet are properly working without problems). It happens with different types of files, they are not big (< 2 MB). I have not any other app like firewalls or VPN apps that could restrict networks. My dropbox account have plenty of free space, my desktop program works fine to sync files.


I tried resetting my phone, turning on and off the camera uploads, renaming files before uploading, clearing Dropbox app cache, unistalling and reinstalling Dropbox app. It still gets stuck at the same point.


Any ideas?


  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Johnald8.


    Can you let us know which Android version and which Dropbox version you're using?


    Also, where are you saving the file from? Another app or is it saved on your phone?


    And can you confirm that you have at least 500mb of free space on the device itself? That's what's needed for the Dropbox app to work correctly.


    Keep me posted.

    • Johnald8's avatar
      Explorer | Level 3

      Thank you for your support Hannah, here is the situation


      Android version: MIUI stable (Phone: Xiaomi Redmi 9 Note plus)

      Dropbox version: 358.2.4 (current latest version)


      The files are stored locally in the SD card and in the internal memory of the phone.

      Used space: 13,31 GB out of 17,38 GB (more than free 500 MB)

      • Hannah's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Thanks for the additional info, John!


        Can we actually send you an email, so we can look further into this?