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Re: How to move photos and files out of dropbox and on to my PC

How to move photos and files out of dropbox and on to my PC

Larry M.
New member | Level 2
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I recently set up my Ipad and Iphone to upload photos to my dropbox account. This has resulted in my dropbox account being full. I do not need all of these photos backed up in dropbox nor do I need to access them from my dropbox account. I would like to move them to a folder on my Pc (running Vista). That way they will be available in the future should I need them, but will not be taking up space in my dropbox account. But I can't figure out how to do this. In the help knowledge base it tells my how to remove them from dropbox, but then says this does not remove them from my account. So bottom line. How does one reduce the number of photos (files) to allow future uploads to Dropbox? The photos are also in the carousel?

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Tony W.16
New member | Level 1
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Hi guys,


I just got notified that the "good will" extra data will be going on my account soon. So I have found out how to MOVE your files from DBox to your pc. Obvoiusly this will depend on how much Hard drive space you have and how much space you are using in Dbox. 

1) open exporer then find your dropbox folder.

2) open a second explorer by right clicking the explorer icon and opening another window. 

3) in the 2nd window find the folder on your pc that you want to move your stuff to.

4) Select everything in your dropbox folder by single clicking the fist file/folder the going to the last file/folder and with the SHIFT key pressed click the last file/folder.

5) RIGHT click on any of the selected files and drag then to the folder you want to move them to.

6) when the menu appears select MOVE.


Depending on how many file/folders and their sizes it could take a bit of time, but the end result is your folders/files are now on your pc. You can even watch this happening by logging into your Dropbox on the web and see them disappearing. 

Hope this helps. It took me a while to finally find this through experimenting. lol





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36 Replies 36

rp b.
New member | Level 1
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looking for the same answer, Larry M.
and I'm getting frustated ( probably like you are..)
there seems to be no simple method for downloading files, and then freeing up space?

Kathy B.3
New member | Level 1
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This question is from a month ago and it doesn't appear that a reasonable answer has been posted. I am also wondering exactly how my dropbox space is being used and how I can free up space. I don't have a clue as to how I have used 16 Gb of space on dropbox. Also, I find the same photo in different lists, does that mean my photos are being stored more than once??

rp b.
New member | Level 1
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As laborious as it is, I've found the best way to synchronize when dealing with new computers, or losing "promo" space, or other issues is to turn off the "sync" of All Connected Items ( phones, tablets, PCs, i-Whatevs) then log onto the Dropbox website.
Download everything into a separate back-up location, if your computer is "sync complete" then you have all the items on your hard-drive. Copy them to another folder Not In Dropbox.
Then do the re-organizing and deleting you need on the Web Interface.
Remember, Dropbox, in an effort to appease the "I've foolishly deleted it, now I want it back...types" saves EveryThing that you have deleted in a cache for three days, and this saved space still counts as part of your total storage?
Once your content with what you still have in your Box, as shown in the on-line interface, turn sync back on.
Then wait... and check every Connected Item for conflicts.
I moved everything, well almost everything Out of my Box, then re-loaded files in small batches, to get my stuff organized and such.
DropBox is Far From Perfect, remember. We all like it because it's free, ergo, it is designed for the lowest common denominator use.
Also, it is far from secure...

"Amid the shiny, happy announcements of new features and new apps this week, file-sharing startup Dropbox quietly revealed another piece of news. Condoleezza Rice — Stanford professor, Iraq War architect, alleged warrantless wiretap supporter — is joining the board at the rising tech startup.
Dropbox CEO Drew Houston didn’t mention the appointment during his keynote at a press event on Wednesday, but a day later, Rice’s arrival had eclipsed the rest of the company’s carefully crafted public event. Unsurprisingly, some people aren’t too happy about the move. Over on Hacker News, a leading barometer for what’s on the minds of tech geeks, the day’s most popular link connects to DropDropbox, a new site calling on users to boycott the company unless it removes Rice.
The campaign’s apparently anonymous creators are calling for her removal in part because of her support for the Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping program, including claims that Rice herself authorized eavesdropping on UN Security Council members. “Why on earth would we want someone like her involved with Dropbox, an organization we are trusting with our most important business and personal data?” the site asks.
‘What Dropbox and its many competitors are ultimately selling is trust — after all, you’re giving them your data — and public relations are a big part of winning your business.’"

Alice FAYE T.
New member | Level 1
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I would like to get pictures out of my Dropbox so I can use them in other files.  How do I do that with deleting them or them going some place I can not find them...  I have windows 10 and an on a hp laptop.


Brian P.32
New member | Level 1
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I have a similar problem, plus my photos upload from my iPhone 4 to my laptop as Tiff files, and I want to upload them into a pictures file I have on my laptop and as jpeg files, not Tiffs.  Also, whenever I want to use a picture in an ad to buy or sell items, or send as an attachment in an email , dropbox is always the "go to " place that comes up to select pictures from, and then they won't be accepted by the ad sites as Tiff files, they have to be jpeg.  Does anyone know how to re-set Dropbox to accept pictures as jpegs, and have my pictures file come up to select pictures from, instead of Dropbox?  A lot to ask I realize, and I'm quite a luddite, and not so familiar with Windows 10.  Thanks for any help you can offer.


Sherry L.4
New member | Level 1
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Brian, being an iphone user, I know that any photos I take with the phone are in jpeg/jpg format. These photos should  automatically upload "as is". Also docs, video files and any other file should always upload to dropbox as they are on your phone. I have never had them change their format. What photo program are you using on your phone?

Dropbox is one of the best ways to get photos or any other file onto your laptop, PC, or mac. Once everything is loaded into Dropbox, go to your computer and download/click&drag those files to any file on that computer.

Brian P.32
New member | Level 1
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Thanks Sherry,  yes all my photos used to be uploaded to my pictures file as jpeg, but...since I have activated Dropbox, they are being uploaded as Tiffs.  I don't recall at any time during the setting up of Dropbox changing any setting to have them uploaded as Tiff files, but all the photo's I've taken since activating Dropbox are in fact uploaded as Tiffs.  I can convert them one at a time using the paint program, but that is laborious and frustrating.  I have searched as many help sites as I can to find out why this is happening, and have even written directly to Dropbox to ask for help on this matter, but their answer did not directly address this issue.  I'll have to keep digging, but it's frustrating as I need to use some of these pictures now , so I'll just have to keep converting them using Paint until I can come up with an answer.  Thanks for your help though, greatly appreciated.  Brian.

Charlene K.3
New member | Level 1
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If you want the photos (or any files) completely out of DB and onto your desktop (I have a MAC but I'm sure there is a similar way for PC), open Finder and go into DB through Finder, from there, grab the folder or files you want and drag them to your desktop. I recently did this with vacation photos and I freed up 4GB.

Sherry L.4
New member | Level 1
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Brian, Just gave some thought to your problem. Tiffs are not a bad thing and you could convert them to Jpegs via batch processing in LightRoom, Photoshop, Aperture, Adobe Essentials or any photo editing program you have. Takes only a couple minutes and there is plenty "how to's" out there on the web to help you. Hope this at least puts a band aid on the problem.

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