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Re: E-mailing files to Dropbox

E-mailing files to Dropbox

Helpful | Level 6
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I tried to find out how to send files to our Dropbox by e-mailing it. Google Search tells me about, but while setting that up, my antivirus tells me that one webpage would be riskful.

Ok, I can accept the risk, but now I want to know if the service sendtodropbox is a service of or isn't it?




17 Replies 17

New member | Level 2
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I'm having applicants send in their resume. I want to have them send their resumes to an email address that directly attaches all files in a Dropbox folder so that I can filter resumes that way. I'd love this feature if possible. I know has it, and I don't want to switch! 


This is also useful for organizing conferences. For example, lots of submissions come in via email, and it's easier to have them organized in dropbox as opposed to filtering emails, saving, etc.

Super User II
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You can set this up with IFTTT. Your applicants wouldn't be able to submit their resumes directly to the IFTTT email (because IFTTT wouldn't know who they were for as it's keyed on the sending email address), but they could submit them to your email (or one you specify) and you would then forward them to IFTTT.


New member | Level 2
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I emailed the owner and author of sendtodropbox who said he would make it work again, after pulling the plug. He may not have?  I want to go on record to ALSO ASK DROPBOX developers to include the ability to    send to dropbox via email as I am often sending files and images that I would live to have avail when not at the library where
I don't have my dropbox.... for example.  TIA for adding emailing to dropbox!

Explorer | Level 4
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Dropbox offre un'infità di API per sviluppatori eun email provider Italiano ha dotato le proprie caseel di posta di una funzionalità che credo si unica: Il caricamento automatico degli allegati alle mail ad un account di Dropbox, ma la cosa più importante è che il caricamento avviene lato server cioè io spedisco una email con allegato a qualcuno che ha un'account servermx (cosi si chiama la società e l'allegato viene salvato nell'account dropbox collegato anche se la posta non viene letta.

E' una caratteristica al momento unica, credo.



New member | Level 2
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I was wondering what the status is with DropBox and/or SendToDropBox regarding the ability to email attachments directly to a DropBox folder and to ANY  DropBox folders, partcularly shared ones.


I work in an organization that uses DropBox to share voicemail WAV and Fax PDF files among several employees.  The voiceMails and Faxes are sent to an email address by our voip/fax service provider. Right now we have to use a shared email address which is awkward. By having, for instance, all the voicemail WAV files automaitically go to a shared DropBox folder we can avoid multiple responses to callers because the first responder would then delete the WAV file from the Shared DropBox folder. The same goes for FAXs. Once the first responder processes the FAX they can delete it to avoid another employee also responding.


I am very surprised DropBox doesn't see the value in such a feature and why they haven't already developed it or found a third party to develop it. The SendToDropbox App is very limited and not useful in an organization where folks collaborate. They say they are working on an enhancement - I wonder what the status is. I would be willing to pau for the upgraded service option if they had this feature.

Explorer | Level 4
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I translate in English my previous comment about this question:

Dropbox offers several APIs for developers and  an Italian e-mail provider has equipped its own mail box with a feature that I think is unique: The automatic upload  to Dropbox account, but the most important thing is that the upload is done on the server side ie I send an e-mail with attachment to someone who has a servermx account (this is called the company and the attachment is saved in the linked dropbox account even if the mail is not read.

It's a unique feature at the moment, I think.
Obviously it is based on dropbox's Apis . it's the site. It's not free but one account it's more than enough for manage tje attachments .



New member | Level 2
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I see that Zapier offers a way to do this. I haven't tried it myself, but I've tried other Zapier functions and been pleased with the way they worked. 


I'd prefer not to use a third party service like Zapier. Does Dropbox offer an API to add files to Dropbox by sending an email?


Super User II
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I was just going to add Zapier to the list @mkp101


In terms of the API question yes they do offer this as an API (because others are already using it - Zapier and SendToDropbox as examples), but, can I suggest asking any questions about it (how etc.) directly via the API Forum area? The team there are spot on!


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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