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macOS 12.7.2 dropbox v190.4.6383 keeps showing "Syncing..." and never completes.

macOS 12.7.2 dropbox v190.4.6383 keeps showing "Syncing..." and never completes.

New member | Level 2


macOS 12.7.2

dropbox v190.4.6383






截屏2024-01-12 1.41.03.png截屏2024-01-12 1.39.51.png截屏2024-01-12 1.39.42 1.png

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff



您是否使用 macOS on File Provider 更新,您的 Dropbox 文件夹必须位于 ~/Library/CloudStorage 中?


您能否也向我发送同步状态的屏幕截图,如您将鼠标悬停在菜单栏上 WiFi 旁边的 Dropbox 小图标上时所示?


另外,您可以检查 Dropbox 文件夹内的信息,然后获取信息让我知道您那里有多少个文件吗?






Hi there, @dongshan, I'd be happy to help!


Do you use the macOS on File Provider update, where your Dropbox folder must be located in ~/Library/CloudStorage?


Can you also send me a screenshot of the syncing status, as shown when you hover your mouse over the little Dropbox icon, next to your WiFi on your menu bar?


Also, can you check the info inside your Dropbox folder, and then Get info to let me know how many files you have there?


Reply back to me, and we'll take it from there!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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