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Won't stop indexing on Mac

Won't stop indexing on Mac

New member | Level 2
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I installed the mac dropbox update and the application began indexing my files. It has now been stuck for the last few days. I can only access some files. Many are now only available through and not in my app. If I add files to they are added to the indexing queue of the desktop app, but no progress is made regarding indexing. I've tried signing out, quitting, uninstalling, and reinstalling. I've seen similar threads, but no solutions have worked for me. Any help is much appreciated.

383 Replies 383

Helpful | Level 5
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One more thing. I'm glad I discovered this community and this string of messages! Until a few minutes ago, I assumed I was the only one with the issue. I feel better now; and am optimistic a solution is around the corner : )) 

New member | Level 2
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im having the same trouble, tried everything and dropbox hasnt updated in two days since updated, constantly indexing

Stewart Bunn
Helpful | Level 6
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Yep, three days in and no progress. My Dropbox sync is stuck at 99% and many files remain unavailable. I'm holding off contacting Apple to work through Carl8's recommendation about creating a new user profile to see if Dropbox has the technical capacity to solve this problem with a patch first. After recent other problems with Dropbox, I'm seriously reconsidering my subscription. If they don't fix this in the next 72 hours, they're toast. I've warned many other Apple users who are ardent Dropbox devotees not to update to Sonoma, while I await, patiently, any advice from our seemingly unconcerned friends at Dropbox.

Experienced | Level 11
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I'm starting to get a bit disappointed with Dropbox in terms of how the issue seems to be handled. Of course, this is my perspective as someone who hasn't received any definitive feedback, neither via chat nor here on the forum, let alone reassuring statements like "We are aware of this, and we are working on it." Luckily, I don't need to back up anything right now, but if I did need disk space, I'd literally find myself in a mess. That's not what I expect from a company I've chosen, one that I've been paying for over the years and that generates millions of dollars in revenue.

Anyway, getting back to the problem, since the only thing left for me to try to resolve the issue was to log out and log back in, and since some people seem to have done that - even uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Dropbox - I now consider it pointless to even attempt. I'd rather wait for a resolution at the app level. But when will that happen? Dropbox, if you're there, give us a sign.

Helpful | Level 5
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Hello all, I managed to resolve my issue by speaking to support staff on the chat and successively being advised to log out of my Dropbox. This means you have to redownload your entire Dropbox again which is a bit of a pain but the issue was resolved after this. I then used the File Provider tool to migrate my Dropbox folder to a new location. Everything is back to working now for me. Hope everyone else also manages to find a solution soon

Experienced | Level 11
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@elkcilb at this point, I expect a statement or a tutorial that explains step by step what to do, how to do it, and how to avoid losing files during the process. In any case, it's not realistic to expect the average user to succeed in this process, which is why I anticipate a patch. I believe it's reasonable.

I'm glad you managed to resolve the issue.

Explorer | Level 4
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il problema continua a persistere.

Lo status in cui rimane bloccato Dropbox è Indicizzazione

Di seguito la screen


Screenshot 2023-10-05 alle 11.06.32.png



Cordiali saluti

Explorer | Level 4
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non più possibile lavorare con Dropbox in queste condizioni...

sono diversi giorni che non si sincronizza nulla!


Non posso neanche aprire i miei file!


Dropbox Staff
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Hi @PaoloCaMe, I just wanted to ask if you had the chance to see Sam's response here


Let us know when you get the chance!




Ciao @PaoloCaMe - volevo solo chiederti se hai avuto la possibilità di vedere la risposta di Sam qui.


Fateci sapere quando ne avrete la possibilità!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4
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Si, ho visto la risposta, ma il mac è acceso da giorni e non si sincronizza comunque.

Rimane bloccato "Indicizzazione in corso..."

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