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Recent Dropbox - Mac 12.3 Monterey support

Recent Dropbox - Mac 12.3 Monterey support

Helpful | Level 6
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The official support page relating to Mac OS Monterey 12.3 Dropbox compatibility is 2 months old now, and Apple just released (April 2022) first beta version of 12.4 and patched 12.3 with 12.3.1, but still no references to current status other than "in late march we will release a beta version...". How can I know is the beta version is now secure or how many days, weeks or months (or years!) do we still need to wait for the final stable release of a 12.3 and up supported version of Dropbox?

137 Replies 137

Michael B.10
Experienced | Level 13
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@smoocat @zaak 


I am certainly not an expert, and as I said my usage is simple home use , not Business, not Teams.

Yes, the CloudStorage folder is in the hidden user library. Lots of ways of seeing this, but simplest is to make invisible folders visible with shift+cmd+period. While it is visible drag it in to your sidebar to keep it visible. Then shift+cmd+period to re-hide invisible folders.

However when the Cloudstorage change is implemented you will see a new item "Dropbox" in Locations section of Finder sidebar. This is a short cut to the CloudStorage folder so you don't need to the other stuff.

I can't add to anything you will find by searching "CloudStorage" in the Dropbox Community, or search my username.


Helpful | Level 7
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@ayoole wrote:

It's been 6 months since Dropbox lost automatic smart sync capabilities on Mac Monterey.


My business relies on this feature to function smoothly.  Our teams are losing significant productivity while we wait for this to be resolved.  


Can anyone recommend alternatives they find have a reliable auto-sync function, so when a user opens a project file (lets say Adobe After Effects) the file client automatically downloads any source/asset files use in the project?


OneDrive?  Google Docs?  iCloud?  I'm interested in your experiences, as I really can't wait any longer, especially when Dropbox don't even have the professional courtesy to inform their users of a possible timeline.  

I use both Dropbox and OneDrive. OneDrive would be my choice to bail to, because:

  • I don't like how Google Drive handles documents (Google Docs is great for collaboration, but I don't like that the files are basically trapped in a web site).
  • You get OneDrive for free with Microsoft 365, and Word, Excel, etc are still probably the best word processor and spreadsheet out there.
  • I've lost files to iCloud Drive. Used to have all my personal files on it, then I flew on a plane with crappy airplane Internet, and iCloud Drive decided to randomly delete files. I still don't know how bad the damage was - I discovered it (after landing) when I opened a Logic Pro X file I'd been actively working on (stored in iCloud Drive) and Logic complained that some of the project's sub-files were missing.

My primary (possibly only) reason for using Dropbox is that I do music in Logic Pro X, and Logic writes files into its "package file" that contain what OneDrive considers "illegal characters". OneDrive is also slightly more prone to announcing "conflicts" than Dropbox.


I'm currently drudging through this Monterey issue by keeping my active projects and archive files clearly separated, then syncing the active projects locally. My wife thinks I'm dumb for sticking with Dropbox - she uses OneDrive exclusively.

Collaborator | Level 8
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From a business perspective I have begun exploring again. it is not a feature for feature exact comparison but at the very least it works on the latest OS and is able to have third party apps trigger a download of "online-only" files. opening up an indesign file with a bunch of links for example works fine versus dropbox's current behavior.

Helpful | Level 6
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Personally I am considering moving over to iCloud Drive.  We use all Macs and iDevices currently, although there's supposed to be Windows and Linux clients if I needed them, and a simple Web client.  Does anyone have any feel for how reliable iCloud Drive is these days?


I know Apple is not exactly known for their high quality cloud services historically, which is much of why I've been using Dropbox.

New member | Level 2
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In my opinion Dropbox is still the best in the worth … and not using only files properly anymore is horrible.
With iCloud Drive I lost tons of files to not properly syncing and not mentioning it.
I also do not like that it can take up to a day till files sync to a new Mac
OneDrive is Not satisfying because of a lot of illegal character sync issues.
In my opinion I will bear it and pray that Dropbox will one day soon will fix this

Helpful | Level 7
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Waiting for this to fixed is like listening to the Final Jeopardy theme song on repeat...with each time it repeats, it gets just a fraction louder. My ears are bleeding at this point. OS 12.5 is now available...still stuck at 12.2.1, I won't upgrade until I know that smart sync is fixed with third party support. 



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Months fly by and no word from Dropbox.

We have a business to run...

Helpful | Level 5
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I will STRONGLY Recommend against OneDrive:

You can no longer delete files into the trash but only permanently delete files.

If you are not online or the files have not synced (OneDrive is REALLY slow and stops ALL syncs for any minor problem) then deleted files cannot be restored.

Also if there is a conflict on anything, ALL sync stop, not just for this file. So it can happen that data for hours and hours hasn't synced because a file ends with a "." or some other strange MS file name rule.

And if OneDrive crashes and you don't realize, nothing syncs and if you delete a file it is gone for good and forever. I do not trust oneDrive anymore. The only reason I use it is because Work forces us all to use OneDrive.

Note that GoogleDrive if run in the dynamic default form is a mounted drive and so you will myriads of other problem. You can pretty much only run that in all files local, which is then like Dropbox, except with more stricter file name rules.

Helpful | Level 7
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12.1 warnings start

12.2 warnings got more in your face

Screen Shot 2022-08-02 at 10.05.44 AM.png

12.3 broke dropbox...dropbox says they're working on a fix.

12.4 still broken...still working on a fix, we think.

12.5 still broken...not convinced they are actively working on a fix, as there has been NO updates. I'm betting they are waiting for OS13 to be released, and then they will release a fix...

Helpful | Level 7
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I'm just here to voice what others have. We have developed our workflow based on the progression of DropBox's features. We have employees across the US and occasionally Europe. This lack of product support and communication is completely unacceptable on any level, let alone those of us on business/team accounts.

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