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Re: When will the Dropbox Monterey debacle be resolved? What are the best alternatives?

Recent Dropbox - Mac 12.3 Monterey support

Helpful | Level 6
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The official support page relating to Mac OS Monterey 12.3 Dropbox compatibility is 2 months old now, and Apple just released (April 2022) first beta version of 12.4 and patched 12.3 with 12.3.1, but still no references to current status other than "in late march we will release a beta version...". How can I know is the beta version is now secure or how many days, weeks or months (or years!) do we still need to wait for the final stable release of a 12.3 and up supported version of Dropbox?

137 Replies 137

Helpful | Level 6
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Dropbox retweeted an interview with its CEO this week about how he's "developing new products and solutions for how work happens post-pandemic". Perhaps that's why the company's developers don't seem to have time to fix major bugs like this.

Helpful | Level 7
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I email DropBox support about every 30 days bugging them about a fix. I just want smart sync to be smart again, like it was before OS 12.3.

Community Manager
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Hi everyone,


Thank you for reaching out. We hear your feedback and we’re working hard on this experience.


A public beta for full support of macOS will be available in early Q4. For now, you can still double-click to open files in Finder. Everything else is working as usual.


Your experience on PC devices,, and from the latest iOS and Android apps remains unaffected. You can find more information here [].


Please ensure you have turned on early releases and once the beta is available to you, you will receive a notification.


Thank you.

Michael B.10
Experienced | Level 13
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@DBXCommunity wrote:

Hi everyone,


Thank you for reaching out. We hear your feedback and we’re working hard on this experience.


A public beta for full support of macOS will be available in early Q4. For now, you can still double-click to open files in Finder. Everything else is working as usual.


Your experience on PC devices,, and from the latest iOS and Android apps remains unaffected. You can find more information here [].


Please ensure you have turned on early releases and once the beta is available to you, you will receive a notification.


Thank you.

I assume this response only applies to Business and Teams accounts, because Personal accounts already work fully with 12.3/12.4/12.5 with the current betas, and have for some time. My Dropbox is using the Apple fileproviderd extension and the Dropbox folder is located in ~/Library/CloudStorage/

Dropbox have not made any official statements about different roll out policies for Personal Business and Teams, but there has been the odd hint and most complaints seem to come from Business/Teams users.

Helpful | Level 7
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Try opening an InDesign file (that has un-synced links). Prior to 12.3 it smart sync would load the file and then the file would open after syncing 12.3 and beyond nothing happens until you manually sync all the files.  

New member | Level 2
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It's INSANE this is still a problem. It has seriously affected our workflow within our company. I have been holding out on updating my operating system on my personal MacBook pro but at some point I'm going to have to upload. Meanwhile, my work machine (iMac) hasn't been able to utilize smart sync since March. Dropbox, what are you doing? We have around 10 people with accounts and will seriously leave if its not fixed in the next couple of weeks. 

Collaborator | Level 8
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So after the above response from Dropbox, I am thinking of taking the plunge and updating my OS, cause I'm still on 12.1, and really want to get my Macs up to date while my workload is relatively quiet in the summer.


If the problem is just smart sync, and I can still access or make folders local through the finder, I think I can deal with that.  The majority of the files I work on are local on my main Mac anyway, and anything else I usually localize entire folders or jobs before i work on them anyway, rather than trying to access cloud files through an app.


Just want to be sure there are no other potential problems, specifically.

1) Looks like Apple is now on 12.5.  There are no further issues if I go straight from 12.1 to 12.5 are there?

2) Are there any other issues with the update process re: Dropbox I may run into?  I have seen discussion about where the Dropbox folder is placed possibly changing during the update?  Mine is currently in my Users folder.  Will that stay the same? No reports of lost files or anything?

3) Any other reason aside from Smart Sync that I should hold off doing this.


I have a Dropbox Plus - 2TB level account with about 600 GB in it. And run a iMac M1, 2021, and a MacBook Pro 2018 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7

Thanks for any advice/warnings.


Michael B.10
Experienced | Level 13
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I don't have in design but I can open online only files with third party apps without downloading them. 
The solution to the 12.3 problem is to use the Apple fileprovider extension instead of the deprecated Dropbox one, which requires the CloudStorage location..... all as already done by OneDrive. 

Helpful | Level 7
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I guess that a non-update-update is better than crickets. Thanks. 

Helpful | Level 6
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Ok, so I am thinking of updating my Mac.  Should I go with the supported official version or a beta?  If I go with a beta, can I expect to get one that will suffice?  I have heard betas do not all roll out to all beta customers at the same time.

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