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When will the Dropbox Monterey debacle be resolved? What are the best alternatives?

Recent Dropbox - Mac 12.3 Monterey support

Helpful | Level 6
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The official support page relating to Mac OS Monterey 12.3 Dropbox compatibility is 2 months old now, and Apple just released (April 2022) first beta version of 12.4 and patched 12.3 with 12.3.1, but still no references to current status other than "in late march we will release a beta version...". How can I know is the beta version is now secure or how many days, weeks or months (or years!) do we still need to wait for the final stable release of a 12.3 and up supported version of Dropbox?

137 Replies 137

Collaborator | Level 9
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@paul20   they absolutely did just delete it without warning or any feedback. that says a lot more than if they had just continued to ignore it.  it's pretty mind-blowing actually.  something aint right.  you are right about continuing the discussion elseware.

here's a recent response from support:
Please note that our engineers are currently working on the full support of macOS Monterey.
I apologize for any frustration this situation may have caused.
I would recommend to keep an eye on the following Help Center article for any updates:  



Collaborator | Level 9
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@jeff w.44   same response here re: not opening the link.

interesting response given its their own website.

i wish we were making this up.

Helpful | Level 5
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Yes, they removed it, it worked yesterday.

Explorer | Level 3
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It's been 6 months since Dropbox lost automatic smart sync capabilities on Mac Monterey.


My business relies on this feature to function smoothly.  Our teams are losing significant productivity while we wait for this to be resolved.  


Can anyone recommend alternatives they find have a reliable auto-sync function, so when a user opens a project file (lets say Adobe After Effects) the file client automatically downloads any source/asset files use in the project?


OneDrive?  Google Docs?  iCloud?  I'm interested in your experiences, as I really can't wait any longer, especially when Dropbox don't even have the professional courtesy to inform their users of a possible timeline.  

Helpful | Level 5
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We postponed updating to Monterey to give time for Dropbox to fix their issue with macOS 12.3  12.4 is well established and 13 Ventura was announced 1 month ago, but Dropbox is still saying "we've got a fix in progress" - rather stretches one's trust in what Dropbox say.  If they're not going to fix Dropbox for Monterey they should just say so.

Screenshot 2022-07-05 at 09.15.13.png

Helpful | Level 6
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I didn't have time to wait for dropbox to fix a problem that has been long overdue. I switched to Google Drive and has been working fine.

Helpful | Level 7
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But will it be fixed for Ventura or will it be more of the same?!?


Collaborator | Level 9
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Why is Dropbox silent on this issue?


A. They don't care and stopped working on it weeks ago. But it's a good selling point, so they are still marketing it as a feature.

B. The engineers can't actually hack it, and marketing is too embarrassed to let us know.
Z. {fill in yer own answer}
D. Apple has engineered Monterey to make it impossible to have this feature. Dropbox is using all their resources to argue with Apple which may or may not include threats to sue them as a "monopoly".

E.  "the pandemic"

Personally, I'm leaning towards D.

Helpful | Level 6
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It seems the "Smart Sync" functionality on Monterey is working just fine on other platforms (OneDrive,


Helpful | Level 7
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I'd fill in that blank, but it would likely result in me getting the boot. This is getting old. 



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