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Re: DB desktop app gone

My Windows Dropbox app doesn't launch automatically upon startup

Collaborator | Level 10

This is about the 4th time in about 2 months I've noticed that my Dropbox desktop app (Windows) has not opened or appeared at startup.

Over 5 years using the desktop app on the same equipment and in the same manner, and no idea why this keeps happening all of a sudden.

This time I cannot even figure out how to open the Dropbox app that's still on my Dell laptop and that I've tried to download/update again.

Will I lose all of my Dropbox desktop app data if I uninstall and reinstall?

Help please!

Thank you,



Update: I finally got the desktop app to open. Question remains: Why would Dropbox desktop app fail to open on startup when that option is (and always has been) selected on the app?

4 Replies 4

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for posting on our forum, @amcoffice! Hope you’re doing well. 


I’m glad to hear the desktop app’s running again on your computer. 


If you haven’t tried this yet though, I’d like you to open your app preferences and unselect - reselect the option to launch Dropbox upon your device’s startup. Do you encounter the same behavior after that? 


If yes, I’d like to know the Dropbox app’s version you’ve currently installed.


You can also try reinstalling the Dropbox app on your computer (you don’t need to worry about your Dropbox files, they shouldn’t be affected by the process). 


Keep me posted for more updates.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Collaborator | Level 10

Thank you for the prompt response.  Dropbox desktop app open on startup today, but any idea why it's failed several times this month?

Thanks again,


Dropbox Staff

Glad to hear that, Judith! It’s hard to tell to be honest, especially since this isn’t always happening. 


If you try the suggestions above though, and the issue persists, feel free to let me know and we can investigate together.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Collaborator | Level 10

Dropbox opened at startup this morning but did not open when I started up laptop minutes ago. Don't understand what's going on. I will uninstall and reinstall the desktop again and see how it goes. Thanks.


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