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MacOS 13.0 Ventura, and Dropbox follows OneDrive in forcing the folder on the system drive

MacOS 13.0 Ventura, and Dropbox follows OneDrive in forcing the folder on the system drive

Emanuele B.
Helpful | Level 6

With Monterey, OneDrive implemented the new apis from Apple for online syncing that demanded its main location be a specific folder on the system drive. 8 months later, the MacOS community section of their site is a collection of anger, accounts of giving up on the platform entirely, praise for Dropbox for not going the same way.


Except it just did, it only waited until Ventura, and now my 360GB Dropbox home folder is supposed to fit on a drive that has about 160GB available, and I guess it was Apple's fault all along, but this is still a major malus to my having any use for Dropbox, I want a full hard copy of my files on local and not having to download them on the fly. This is a bummer.

117 Replies 117

Helpful | Level 5

@Fluk3 wrote:

I should have called it the early release opt-in.


If you go to


There is a preference toggle switch that says:

Early releases. Get included on early releases for new Dropbox features. Early release features are subject to these additional terms. Off by default


One needs to turn this on to get the opt-in beta I was referring to.


My preferences has "Early releases" turned off. I did not "opt in" to anything. Dropbox told me to upgrade. And yet I have what you are calling the "beta" version.


Helpful | Level 6

I am using the latest version of Dropbox available to me 166.4.2920 on macOS 12.2 and also on macOS 12.6.2


I never enabled the early release. 


@nessus42 What is your Dropbox version number and what macOS version(s) are you on?


Are you able to relocate the Dropbox folder outside of the macOS Library?

My version allows this on both macOS versions from within settings. 


Do proxy linked online-only files automatically sync in Adobe apps (if applicable)?

Mine does on macOS 12.2 (this OS version supports the required extension) but not on macOS 12.6.2 (this OS version does not support the required extension).


The reason I believe I am not on the so-called early-release is because I can still relocate my Dropbox in settings on both macOS versions. A feature Dropbox says they no longer support in the early-release (and will presumably no longer be supported when that version becomes the stable or current version too).

Helpful | Level 6

@Fluk3 wrote:

I am using the latest version of Dropbox available to me 166.4.2920 on macOS 12.2 and also on macOS 12.6.2

I am also running 166.4.2920 on MacOS 12.6. However, the dreaded new version is being rolled out to customers in batches and I have it available to me via a red badge on the Dropbox logo in the menu bar. I am not signed up for beta or early release.

At this stage its installation is optional but will no doubt become compulsory soon enough.

Helpful | Level 6

@FGK-120 Interesting, I do not not have an upgrade notification yet and I am in the southeast US.


I am in interested in what the notification says about he upgrade. Can you share a screenshot or transcribe the text here?


In my case, I can probably live without dropbox on an external drive. What I really, really need is the auto-sync of online-only files for proxy linked Adobe files, such as InDesign and Illustrator links.


I'm not sure if that feature worked or not in the early-release. If it does work in the upcoming upgrade I'll be okay I guess. If not, this will be a disaster for me and my colleagues.

Michael S.197
Collaborator | Level 9

I have been trying to assuage the doubts of this group by pointing you to a solution, which people's disbelief or opinion, rather than empirical trial, has seemed to muddy.

I've written here a number of times that I am running a version of Dropbox which forced me to move all my dropbox data into the "Users" folder, which at 1.3 T was untenable.  This occurred because I bought a new laptop in November, and Dropbox installed an unwanted upgrade which was irreversible.

I used the Advanced Installation, here (, and was able to bypass the requirement to keep my dropbox folder in \Users, and successfully installed it at the root level of a partitioned data drive.  Not within \Users.  This has continued to work to this day.

@pollen didn't seem to believe it could be true.

@Fluk3 replied to @pollen with an "opinion" that my experience is "wrong."  I am impressed by his/her confidence to contradict described experience with their own "opinion," without attempting a comparable maneuver themselves.  I can only state that I continue to experience that the workaround continues to work for me just fine.

Some, e.g. @TRO_Berlin, have worried that the difference between our two posts, eg. mine and @Fluk3's opinion, is confusing.  

@nessus42 then opines that using the solution might somehow revert the installation.  I have not observed any version downgrade.  I am currently running v167.3.4684

@Fluk3 then opines into the dark that "Now would be a Good Time for a Dropbox staff to clarify the conversation" but doesn't invite any to the thread.

So, please know that the solution was presented by @Walter , a professional Dropboxer, in this thread  Later in that thread, @Hannah , also a professional Dropboxer,  also advises the advanced install.  Hopefully either of them, having been flagged, will now Hear the Call by @Fluk3.

Notably, further down the line on that thread, the OP @ShanaC states in December that she was forced into a reinstall. 
I note, however, that her version at the time of posting was v162.4.5419.  My current version (above in this post) seems to be more recent, and the Advanced Install continues to work. @ShanaC are you still experiencing a problem, or were you able to resolve it?

I hope input by professional Dropboxers, and by the OP of the thread where I found my solution, is enough to convince people on this thread to call this problem "Solved," at least temporarily.  It would allow so many people to stop wasting time and get on with their lives if this solution were spread more widely (which is my goal), because it is causing a lot of suffering and stress.  It made me so grateful to find @Walter's solution, I hope others can experience the same sense of relief and satisfaction that they can continue with their orginal data architecture.

Helpful | Level 6

Wow @Michael S.197 what performance! I must apologize for the dissent of myself and others! The audacity! To ask questions! Looking for help? My god, what were we thinking?


Thank you for the humiliation and shame. You are so right to go after users like me, personally,  who dared to question your conclusions in any way shape or form. The best way to prove your argument is to admonish your dissenters. Good show.


And for me to ask questions not even remotely related to your external drive solution, like 3rd party syncing? I deserve 50 lashes for my impudence! 


I've only been involved in managing servers and data while art directing massive multimedia projects for 35 years. How dare I have observations, needs and concerns that differ from yours, right? Blasphemy!


There's no possibility that I, or anyone else, might have seen different data from a different perspective and have a different experience and understanding and needs. Perish the thought!


You should totally continue ignore my actual questions, my alternate needs, my contrasting data and my version numbers in my appeal for help - in which I clearly asked where I may have been wrong in my assumptions (I'm a freaking monster!).


It's totally cool for you to ignore my questions about 3rd party links, because that's not your problem, so who cares? Case closed!


Please do continue to vilify us using whatever filter you choose to see through and shame us over not agreeing with you automatically, just because you said so. We completely deserve your infantilization and bile.


I can't wait to see the scores of happy, satisfied users who reply in agreement that the entire Dropbox on macOS problem is finally over, all thanks to you!


All hail Michael S! The S is for Solver!

Michael S.197
Collaborator | Level 9

Well, if you want help, then ask for it directly from Dropbox staff.  Seems more practical.

I can't comment on your third-party syncing issue because I don't use that.  If you want to find out about 3rd party applications, then why not trial the method?  And report to the community?

You argued that I'm "wrong" to report that something currently works for me, on a later version than yours. I suspect what you meant to say was "Although it may currently work for him, this loophole may be reverted in the future."  I made no claim about the future, simply about the present version that I'm using.  Yes, what Dropbox plans is unclear, and whether they will close out this loophole is not clear.

Helpful | Level 5

You may have gotten things to work the way that you want with the latest version of Dropbox, but personally, I would not trust it to continue to work in the future. The following is official documentation from Dropbox:


Note that it very explicitly says the following things:


  • Changing the location of your Dropbox folder is no longer supported by macOS.
  • Your Dropbox folder will be moved to ~/Library/CloudStorage.
  • Storing your Dropbox folder on an external drive is no longer supported by macOS.

If you wish to live your life on an unsupported edge, then more power to you. Me, there's no way that I'm configuring my Dropbox syncing to work in a way that Dropbox explicitly states that they don't support.

In addition to the above official documentation, my Dropbox preferences says:

  • This version of macOS requires Dropbox to be store here:


New member | Level 2

Well, I see now. This is a great resource! I've never been a fan of the way iCloud handled offline storage. You appear to be ceding a lot of power to Apple. Shame that this system will have to essentially replace all cloud storage solutions. Thanks for your assistance, brother.

Helpful | Level 6

@Fluk3 wrote:

Interesting, I do not not have an upgrade notification yet and I am in the southeast US.


I am in interested in what the notification says about he upgrade. Can you share a screenshot or transcribe the text here?

@Fluk3 I am in Australia but I wouldn't like to guarantee the staged rollout is based on geography.


If I click in the menubar is says "Dropbox for MacOS is now ready. Update Dropbox to use it for the latest version of MacOS. Get started", with the Get Started being a link that I have so far resisted clicking.



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