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I have trouble accessing the app's syncing & preferences on my Windows 11.

I have trouble accessing the app's syncing & preferences on my Windows 11.

New member | Level 2

I had two dropbox accounts.  One is PRO and one is FREE, so I will call it as such.  I had a free account, and I shared PRO's folder with FREE's account.  FREE tried to upload files into the folder, but it was too large (217GB), which free doesn't have access to.  FREE at this time thought that downloading the app and installing it would be faster to upload.  FREE was wrong.  FREE deleted dropbox, and reinstalled it while using PRO's account.  The new dropbox app was installed with selective sync just for this folder on PRO's account.  All the files have been moved to this folder, but I can't access the sync speed or whether it's syncing or not because I can't open the app to change preferences or anything as other forums have mentioned.  I tried reinstalling and uninstalling the app a few times now, and everytime I try to open the app, the cursor just rotates the bezel for a few moments and nothing.  I check the task manager, and it says it's exist even after I end task and reclicked on the app.

The Goal: to get all files on the cloud ASAP.

I tried uploading on the browser and that was difficult in itself because it kept pausing randomly because of no internet even though clearly, there is internet.

Please help, Dropbox Gurus.



1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

Hey @theheng, welcome to our Community! 


Let me recap, just to make sure we're on the same page here: at the moment, it sounds like the app is connected to your free account, right? 


Your end goal here is to access the app's preferences, and syncing and also change that large folder's selective sync status, am I correct? Don't hesitate to correct me here, if I misunderstood something. 


If you locate your little Dropbox icon -the one on your task bar, next to your WiFi- and hover your mouse there, do you notice the app's current syncing status, and version? Feel free to share that with me. 


Keep me posted, and we'll take it from there! 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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