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Re: Disable Pop-up for Deleting Online-Only Files

How to turn off notification "Because it's online-only it won't be moved to your Recycle bin"

Maxim K.6
Helpful | Level 5
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Does someone know, how to turn off this annoying notification?

"Delete Because it's online-only it won't be moved to your Recycle bin"?

30 Replies 30

Explorer | Level 4
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Well, I can understand having the message in the first place, but not having a way to disable it because it's a "failsafe" makes less sense, since the process is non-permanent/reversable, as stated in the pop-up itself. I still think that we should have the option to acknowledge and disable the warning if we choose. If it's a liability issue, users simply disabling the message should give them no recourse, legal or otherwise.

Dropbox Staff
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Thanks for taking the time to detail us your thoughts on this @KevinMcKraken!
It seems that having the option to disable this pop-up Notification is important to you, so I'd encourage you to post it on the Share an Idea section where other Community members could upvote it to show their support. 
Thanks again! 


Community Moderator @ Dropbox


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Helpful | Level 6
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I get the rationale, from a high level, but the warning (the 'because it's online only it won't appear in your recycle bin' warning) is terribly annoying.  There needs to be an option to disable it.  I get it if you want to bury said option somewhere deep in the settings (or even make it available ONLY via a registry-tweak - so casual users don't switch it off without knowing what they're doing), but reasonably savvy users who understand the concept it's conveying should really be able to disable.  In any event, it's not a 'failsafe' - either way, the files are in your dropbox online deleted folder and can easily be recovered from there.  So all teh warning does is serve as a tipoff that that's where to find them.  And when recognizing that's all it is - no reason this warning shouldn't be able to be disabled when the other similar warnings can be.  

Sorry i feel so strongly about this, but i do.  it is really making me reconsider using online only files, which would be a huge problem and could ultimately result in me looking at other services.  It's that annoying. the nature of my work is such that i often am adding and deleting and moving things around even without downloading (i.e. - i will always get this warning routinely).

so pllllllease for the love of my sanity, let there be an option to disable this!!

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @robertoleonardo, thanks for the in-depth post!
It’s my understanding that you’d like to back up this functionality & I could move your thread to the Share an Idea section on my side to see if your fellow Community members are also interested in seeing that in the future. 
Keep me posted on how you'd wish to proceed in your next message. Thanks again! 


Community Moderator @ Dropbox


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Maxim K.6
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I also had to switch online only feature off because of extremely annoying warning.

New member | Level 2
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I'd like to second the request to change this feature.  It makes cleaning out my files incredibly cumbersome.  Thank you

New member | Level 2
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I'm still dealing with this too. It's extremely annoying and makes the Smar Sync feature almost worthless. Has a solution been determind? 

New member | Level 2
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Is this still the case? Has a fix been determined for this constant warning for EVERY file that is deleted?

Dropbox Staff
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Thanks for joining the topic @StoshZ.


As Jane mentioned above, we'd suggest sharing this as a request in our dedicated area of the Community here. From what I could find, we don't have a request for this at the moment.


Let me know if you have any questions!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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nicolas r.6
Helpful | Level 5
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are they working on a fix this makes the online only version of dropbox essentially unusable and it is quite useless for user with rewind account 


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