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Re: Pulling support for Mac OS 10.4 & 10.5

End of support for OS X 10.4 and 10.5

Matthew S.
New member | Level 1

Why pull support and remove functionality? Why not just drop support -- just stop updating the app but still allow basic functionality? There are still a lot of legacy machines that are still in use and CANNOT upgrade to 10.6, as they are PowerPC based. Yes, old systems still work. Why stop the app from working totally instead of just deprecating support for those systems?

281 Replies 281

Super User II

 so dropbox app is no longer working at 10.5. so even the web version?

Older versions of Safari are no longer able to display the Dropbox website properly. Use a different browser.

Vanni R.
New member | Level 1

The only "modern" browser for PowerPC computers is TenFourFox. It does not support Flash, but does support HTML5, and can use all the Firefox plugins. Web sites see it as Firefox.

One plugin, Default User Agent, can set TenFourFox to report as another device, such as an iPad. iOS devices don't support Flash either, so sometimes this can force a site to load an alternative, but it doesn't always work. There are also some plugins that can help you download and play video in QuickTime that won't play in the browser. Both are workarounds, but one or the other usually works. (Not always: Vimeo, for example, won't play on my Powerbook.)

My two complaints about TenFourFox are that it's a bit slow, and it seems to have a memory leak - I don't think it releases memory on pages you've closed. Restarting the browser periodically fixes this.

The versions of Safari for Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5 are no longer considered safe to use. Modern browsers have security updates that old versions of Safari lack.

Try TenFourFox if Safari is giving you problems, or you take security seriously.

Good luck.

- Winston

Jenny P.
New member | Level 1

Rich R. and Winston W. 

Thanks for the advice. Will keep them in mind. Thanks again 🙂

Erik Y.
New member | Level 1

@Winston W.

Regarding TenFourFox (the browser I use), this may interest you.

My TenFourFox About:Config tweaks - and my addons

I include the title above just in case Dropbox decides to sensor the link. If they do, then all you have to do is search for that thread title on

Vanni R.
New member | Level 1

Erik Y. - Thanks for the link to the TenFourFox addons and config tweaks. I use many of the same add-ons, but have a few differences:

Don’t have:
  Block Site
  NoScript (I used to have this, but enough sites had trouble that I deleted it)

Do have:
  HTML5 Everywhere! - asks sites to use HTML5 instead of Flash
  HTTPS-Everywhere - asks sites to load secure version if available
  QuickTime Enabler - enables playing many videos in QuickTime Player
  Restless Restart - adds File>Restart menu item
  Video DownloadHelper - helps download web videos

I'll take a look at the ones you have that I'm not using, and also at the config options.

Good luck.

- Winston

Erik Y.
New member | Level 1

Winston, read the entire thread. Some of the addons listed in the first post have been replaced, particularly in the last few posts.

However, the idea is mainly the about:config tweaks. If you do nothing else, look through those. R.
New member | Level 1
Adding my voice. There has alway been people that like to has the newest (anything). And there is nothing wrong with it. But there are others just as happy that could not / dont want or cannot affot to BUY IN IT. And this is fine, too. Some corporations are follwing the Apple markenting idea: Making rock solid product technically "obsoleted', theifore forcing users to became consumers. A better path will be working with us; no againt us. Drop Box should not let us drop needs to think out of the box!

Steve B.8
New member | Level 1

Sorry but can't understand you at all! Any Mac can produce programming enough too reuse this or any open source application? Can you stop assuming too build boss mans on these sites where you have not thought enough too use the machine that is more than capable of doing many things you don't bother too know as you let it Buck hoss you off as an old pile of useless that you just can't know of? Read the manuals,there at terminal,command line,you just type 'man',there the only one that is? You can then take steps too do some very things you thought of and went careering round the net web using typing space and times for no outcome ever?

if you don't know no lingo for programming then get an app that will do it? What if they stop leopard support for walking the dog though? Them?...

Steve B.8
New member | Level 1

Rephrasing ,perhaps,like the cat cycled you missed,so did I,there are other things at stake here,Intel being cloud related,where origin Mac is 68k motorolla(or George)then PowerPC which itself are things read from Windows NT or 2000 server archecteure Syncro labels,not real history paths of platforms or things that be,except,as you have talked it all along telling one instances as knows of a this or that use of platform called that or this where there are many contradictions that lead you too a whole chaos giving each time a crazy lined scheming madman leader acting as uses of things you don't ever known of telling you what is life,Steve Jobs in the sixties Turing latest news cast idol crazee rubbed up cipher reads suggested as disturbing zeitgeist force are then clouds of aliens comming dawn instead of your enigmatic interpretative and program mic usages these forums run men too jump into rockets for the moon as unknown cipher cloud open stack s Linux not macs we don't know,look out of the window is just a fake space travel Buck Rogers anyone have a thesaurus,o,no,said,diction comet can't attend words,o,well done Elsey turner the 43rd merry Diane forced too falsely go where no jazz record company has ever gone before,you what,this is the whole world,our world,now go away,run it ...

Leon E.3
New member | Level 1

2016 still using the most beautifull laptop ever made: PowerBook G4 12 inch!

still running GREAT 

So please don't stop support for PPC, or keep the old apps running

Need more support?