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Re: Pulling support for Mac OS 10.4 & 10.5

End of support for OS X 10.4 and 10.5

Matthew S.
New member | Level 1

Why pull support and remove functionality? Why not just drop support -- just stop updating the app but still allow basic functionality? There are still a lot of legacy machines that are still in use and CANNOT upgrade to 10.6, as they are PowerPC based. Yes, old systems still work. Why stop the app from working totally instead of just deprecating support for those systems?

281 Replies 281

Richard Schletty
Collaborator | Level 8

Jean-françois: I appreciate your followup comments. I am also irate about selective abandonment of "older" hardware and operating systems by software companies who do not realize how important older technologies are to some people. They lure us in with the promise of dependable backups, but then cast us off when we fail to keep up with the maddening pace of technology. They do this after having supported them for many years with our money. There ought to be a law that protects our "investment" in a cloud storage company, protecting us from ever being abandoned like orphans. 

I am using the Dropbox hack by Czo on my Mac PPC G5. I hope you can use it. It works fine, except for needing to hold down Option key when I click on the Dropbox icon in the top menu. This Option-click brings up the older GUI window which allows me to select Dropbox Preferences. 

Here is the link again (posted in this forum thread several times):

[Link removed by moderator. Please refrain from posting unofficial or modified Dropbox clients on these pages. If you have come here looking for the modified client, remember that what you are trying to download was modified by a third-party and is not supported by Dropbox. Be careful of what you download.]


Phillip C.2
New member | Level 1

Erik Y.: Thanks for the help. Dropbox now works great on all 3 of my ppc machines!

Erik Y.
New member | Level 1

Excellent, glad it's working for you now Phillip!

New member | Level 1

It is the opposite, and even though it has already been contracted Bishinesu course, you can not consent and become unusable. Also troubled members,

David D.11
New member | Level 1
Interesting that DropBox can provide a moderator to remove links by creative people trying to solve a real problem caused by DropBox, but DropBox itself cannot provide a product that would make those links unnecessary.

Richard Schletty
Collaborator | Level 8

Is this a Dropbox users community forum or a Dropbox technical support forum? I haven't seen anything supportive from Dropbox, so censorship of third party solutions is untenable. I was under the impression that this forum is much like Apple Discussions forum with users helping users. I will tell the world about Dropbox's censorship of a viable workaround for "the Mac PPC Desktop Client problem." Incredible that Dropbox thinks PPC Macs are obsolete. So wrong. 

Erik Y.
New member | Level 1

Well, took them long enough to censor the links, LOL!

For those still looking for a solution if you go over to the MacRumors forums you will find a subforum for PowerPC Mac users. Inside there will be a searchbox. You want to do a search for that forum only for Dropbox with my username eyoungren. The name of the thread you are looking for is "Reconnecting unsupported Leopard Macs to Dropbox." That will give you the solution you seek as provided by Czo.

Gees! Took you Dropbox guys a few months to get around to the censorship! That's ok though, more than a few PowerPC users got reconnected despite your best efforts to shut us down.

Jenny P.
New member | Level 1

okay. so dropbox app is no longer working at 10.5. so even the web version?

Erik Y.
New member | Level 1

Did you not read my post directly above yours?

Go here:

Do a search for "Reconnecting unsupported Leopard Macs to Dropbox." There is a solution.

I cannot provide a direct link as the Dropbox censors here will remove it.

Jenny P.
New member | Level 1

hey Erik Y., no i did not. but when i checked on the solution, it is for the desktop application. i am referring to the web version.. and i am not sure if it also fixes those, if you know what i mean.. 🙂

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