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Re: Pulling support for Mac OS 10.4 & 10.5

End of support for OS X 10.4 and 10.5

Matthew S.
New member | Level 1

Why pull support and remove functionality? Why not just drop support -- just stop updating the app but still allow basic functionality? There are still a lot of legacy machines that are still in use and CANNOT upgrade to 10.6, as they are PowerPC based. Yes, old systems still work. Why stop the app from working totally instead of just deprecating support for those systems?

281 Replies 281

Paul M.19
New member | Level 2

Ok, just received notice of this. To say this creates a lot of problems for me is an understatement. I doubt they'll change their mind now, so has anyone got a good alternative? Paid or otherwise for 10.5?

Michael O.4
New member | Level 1

Blah, blah, bosh. API this, non-backwards that. Hogwash. There's ways to meet the needs of the impacted users - they just don't want to spend the money. Unfortunately, the bean counters always win these arguments, to the detriment of the users.

Looks like I will be coming up with a plan to replace Dropbox across all my platforms.

I hope this winds up burning some big fish and Dropbox comes to regret this.

Vanni R.
New member | Level 1

Dropped by Dropbox! As with many others, a 10.4 PPC Mac is my main machine. That I can use Dropbox on other devices is irrelevant.

At least Dropbox has handled this with somewhat better explanation than Skype's more than disingenuous "In order to provide the best service for all users" . . . And, unlike Skype, I suspect they will agree to refunds for anyone who has prepaid use outstanding on their account.

Still, sad. Also as with many others, the support for older machines was one of the reasons I regularly recommended Dropbox to others. I have a long memory, so, when I do eventually get another computer, Dropbox will likely not be part of it.

Kohan I.
New member | Level 1

@Maynard: Your files should still remain on your iBook after May 18, it just won't sync anymore. It should be just like if you quit the Dropbox application from the menu - try it now if you like, you can always double-click on Dropbox in your applications folder to run Dropbox again. You should see that your Dropbox folder and all your files are still on your iBook.

It's a shame that 10.4 support is fading, but it seems the revenue from paying PowerPC users just isn't enough to fund the additional development requirements to backport patches to PowerPC.

David D.11
New member | Level 1

My Mac PB G4 PPC runs just fine. I do not need "enhanced performance" or new features in DB; the "old" version is a great product and needs no improvement for my purposes. I need to be able to do what I have been doing. I would subscribe (say, at the same cost as Skype) if that is what it would take, although it would be fairer if those desiring all those new features and enhanced performance were asked to pay for the improved version of DB instead. If I have to move to a more recent machine, that and replacing all my software will cost in the $5000 range. Before I drop that much change, it is worth complaining to my elected representatives about business practices in the IT world.

Joaquin M.2
New member | Level 1

I don't think Dropbox is being paid by Apple in order to make Mac owners buy new computers. What I think is that Dropbox is being too lazy and not caring enough for a small part of its users. Shame on you Dropbox, shame on you!
I'm looking forward for a solution that let me sync files on my PPC Mac with my other computers. And I'm afraid that solution does not involve Dropbox anymore...

Cesare C.
New member | Level 1

Well, it just received a reminder that I will not be able to use Dropbox n my Macs afrer May 18th, so it looks like they are not changng their policy; What REALLY annoys me is that thyey stlll insist that I should "upgrade the OS", without realising that it would mean changing three of my four coputers. Too bad - I would have gladly paid a (small) subscription to continue using Dropbox, but as it is I really have no choice. Any alternatives out there?

Maynard James K
New member | Level 2

Thanks for that Kohan I.

Many of my key docs for the last 11 years are there, so a matter of some real concern. And luckily, unlike some here, I use that machine less and less anymore, so I can get by with a USB stick and sneakernet. Still gonna make a copy though, just in case.

It's also not just DropBox doing these smh moves on users.

I have some elaborate presentations I created in Keynote '08 which are still very relevant to my work - and when I got my new MacBook Air, the new Keynote told me they were too old to open. That's files from Apple's own young suite! Meanwhile, while I like Keynote a lot more than Power Point, Office will open MS formats from the stone age.

(The workaround is to install a copy of iWork '09 - which I found [supposedly new] on Amazon - I hope it installs and activates - and upconvert to that format, and then maybe use the Current Keynote to convert a second time to the latest.)

Not gonna lose any fonts or transitions in that move, I'm sure. /s.

Anyway, my empathy for those of you whose workflow's gonna be severely disrupted.

Daniel R.3
New member | Level 1

Again, I'd like to share my pure and utter disrespect I now have for Dropbox for doing this. I have already dropped Dropbox fully from my workflow now, returning to doing a local based sync to my BlackBerry instead. I will not be supporting them who prematurely drop support for consumers little reason other than 'cos we want to change something.' It's weak and sloppy programming.

Goodbye Dropbox.

Mike M.5
New member | Level 1

We have 125 people wishing that Dropbox would continue support for PowerPC users, that probably at least 1,250 user allowing for those hat just shrug and move on to a more difficult future with alternatives. At a $1 a month each that's $15,000 per annum revenue stream, at $5 that's $75,000 per annum but we might lose some users with that price. If Dropbox ignore the revenue stream isn't there someone out there with the skills and inclination take on an equivalent service for us? Most of the code is freeware.

Need more support?