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Re: Pulling support for Mac OS 10.4 & 10.5

End of support for OS X 10.4 and 10.5

Matthew S.
New member | Level 1

Why pull support and remove functionality? Why not just drop support -- just stop updating the app but still allow basic functionality? There are still a lot of legacy machines that are still in use and CANNOT upgrade to 10.6, as they are PowerPC based. Yes, old systems still work. Why stop the app from working totally instead of just deprecating support for those systems?

281 Replies 281

New member | Level 2

By the way, Dan Knight has launched a petition over at regarding this very issue. Please consider adding your name to the petition and spreading the word.

New member | Level 2

The main discussion thread for this topic is here:

Also, a petition has been created in protest of Dropbox’s decision.

Nicola L.
Helpful | Level 5

@Grant Hutchinson: thanks for the links!

Nicola L.
Helpful | Level 5

I've just signed out the petition… also was expecting way more than 75 "comments" to this topic. Personally I'd pay a (reasonable) fee to be able to download (and run) a PPC client, even if I'm on a free plan. Say 5$ ?

This maybe could ‘incentivate’ the work and efforts in developing an ongoing, compatible client with the new infrastructure.

mike m.16
New member | Level 1

Copied from a different thread:

The suggestion is that I upgrade the operating system but I cannot upgrade the operating system without losing essential functionality required to maintain long life IP.

I would anticipate that new Dropbox features might require a later operating system. However I do not need any additional features within Dropbox, I do not need updates, I just need to maintain the existing basic system working as it is.

I believe the policy of remotely disabling existing functioning software should be reconsidered.

New member | Level 2

@Nicola You’re very welcome. Here’s hoping we can sway their decision a bit.

Justin H.3
New member | Level 1

Dear Dropbox Staff,

Thank you for your support of the PowerPC architecture.

If there is a way to maintain a special version for PowerPC Macs with just security patches and that 64bit name length thing that was mentioned in your response, that would be fantastic. We don't need all the new features. Just the bare essentials.

As has been mentioned by others, I too would be willing to pay a reasonable price to keep support going for my iMac G4.

Please give it some serious consideration. If you still decide to abandon PowerPC Macs, I understand. It's been a great decade since Apple discontinued them, in part thanks to your continued support 🙂

I have no doubt that for every response you are getting here, there are many more users that don't know where to go or what to say to try to help this cause.


P.S. An old version of Spotify from ~3 years ago is still able to run on PowerPC(10.5), just minus the new features... food for thought.

Mike M.5
New member | Level 1

I agree with Michal M, amongs other tasks we use three G4 machines as part of our network for scientific work supporting ionospheric research. Software developed for these machines cannot be transported. Moving data in and out via Dropbox is highly effective with dispersed sources of data. Updating the operating system is impossible and replacing the machines is out of the question. A point that has not been made is that we have attracted other users to set up Dropbox clients for this purpose and they have found other uses for their accounts. The big attraction of Drobox is that this multiplatform application efficiently connects disparate machines in a way that others do not. Take away PPC support and a signifcant differential to other apps disppears.

David S.28
New member | Level 2

I have no doubt that for every response you are getting here, there are many more users that don't know where to go or what to say to try to help this cause.

Considerer also all of those who don't speak English.

Need more support?