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Re: When is going to be Smart Sync fully available in Monterey?

Dropbox support for macOS 12.3

Anna R.5
Helpful | Level 6
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So I'm referring to

Does this mean it will be 100% safe to upgrade to macOS 12.3 as long as I keep Smart sync to Local, please?

166 Replies 166

Helpful | Level 7
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OneDrive on Monterey is an absolute train wreck too.  They did fully transition to the FileProvider API, unlike Dropbox, but it comes with tons of downsides and their users are rebelling.  Read the comments on these OneDrive posts:

(the actual posts are great though because they explaining in more detail the technical changes and challenges that Dropbox must deal with too)

Based on OneDrive's experience, it sounds like Apple's FileProvider API is in no way ready to replace Dropbox's old behavior without other huge downsides.  If you try out the Dropbox Beta, you can see what Dropbox's FileProvider implementation is like, but it sounds far worse and I wouldn't recommend anyone try it.  Unfortunately Apple has backed both companies into a corner and there's not much they can do but hope Apple improves the FileProvider API in future updates.

Collaborator | Level 9
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If that is true, then they should join other companies with same problem and sue Apple

Explorer | Level 4
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Have been trying out Google drive under macOS 12.3, and can confirm this works "correctly", i.e., how dropbox worked before (can also report dropbox is still broken on v147.4.4800)

Helpful | Level 5
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Im still waiting for the 12.3 Montery fix.. or did I miss something? Now Im actually running Montery 12.4 and Dropbox is still useless. I have to spend hours and hours syncing files manually back and forth when opening huge After Effects projects stored on Dropbox. If Dropbox is not fixing this soon, then I will have to find a another solution.

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You haven't missed it...there is still no fix. I've held off on upgrading from 12.2.1 to the latest OS because of all our work files are on dropbox. Ridiculous that we pay service.  

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Yes It works fine, but with a major difference that it isn't possible to use the finder (spotlight) to search for files

Christian W.10
Helpful | Level 5
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I just got a new MacBook that came with 12.4 preinstalled. Dropbox is completely unusable like this and my workflow is at an absolute standstill.

I really don't know what to do. PLEASE help us, dropbox!

Collaborator | Level 8
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Seriously?!?!??!? I never thought that Dropbox would have literally NOTHING to say about 12.3+ support to this day. No beta no nothing. We are extremely close to 90 days after the release of 12.3 and will not be able to prevent users from updating. What’s the deal?!

We pay tens of thousands of dollars a year for this service. We love it as it is but **bleep** is gonna hit fan real soon. We just need transparency in what is going on!

Helpful | Level 5
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Yeah but Google Drive are using janky way of using a SMB local network mount. Hey it works for now but for how long ? I think it was implemented as an interim. [please note i could be wrong]

Helpful | Level 6
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And AFAIK Google Drive doesn't offer anything like "smart sync". You have to manually select which folders are going to be synced locally and which only in cloud.


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