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Can I delete the Dropbox contextual menu items in Finder on MacOS?

Can I delete the Dropbox contextual menu items in Finder on MacOS?

New member | Level 2

There are currently 9 items in my Finder's contextual menu that I do not want there. My only recourse is to uninstall and quit using Dropbox? Or can I modify those settings? I have never used a single item in this menu in 10+ years of using Dropbox.


Screen Shot 2024-07-03 at 1.17.45 PM.png

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

Hi @nicholasforneris, thanks for messaging the Community.


Currently, it isn't possible to delete the context menus from Finder.


If you wish, you can suggest this change for others to vote on, so the dev team can look into this in future.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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