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Re: Bring back the green 'synced' checkmark in the system tray.

Bring back the green 'synced' checkmark in the system tray.

Helpful | Level 6

In my Windows system tray (next to the clock), Dropbox used to show that it was fully synced by showing a green check-mark over the Dropbox icon. This was really helpfull. 

If Dropbox was offline, it would show no overlay icon. 

Recently (and according to Dropbox itsself) this has changed, the Dropbox icon now shows no overlay if it is fully synced, but to me, i constantly think my Dropbox is offline, instead of 'fully synced'.

So the idea is: please bring back the green 'fully synced' checkmark. Or -at least- make it an option to show it. 

Please upvote this idea if you agree :white_check_mark:

334 Replies 334

David S.178
Collaborator | Level 9

Wow. Four years and plenty of upvotes, yet this suggestion didn't get implemented. So much for this suggestions feature. It clearly doesn't work.

New member | Level 2

I'm absolutely lost without it

Collaborator | Level 8

It is a (nearly) fatal flaw of Dropbox that the icon does not REMOTELY state what status is. IF it's .uckd it should be red, if it's updating it should be amber, if it's finished it should be green.

My serfs never realize it's fallen over and stopped working again until I point to the screen.


It's not rocket science Jim

New member | Level 2

What good are the suggestions when they still say "not for right now", when this is SECOND-HIGHEST VOTED USER FEATURE on the whole site, having been asked for for what, four years now?! THIS much consensus, and yet you guys STILL aren't planning to consider it. Wow...


The whole point of the Status Bar is to show the STATUS of the programs/utilities/processes shown there. So there should be a nice, obvious status indicator that can be visually taken in very quickly & easily, instead of having to stare and squint and second-guess and end up hovering over it in case the lighting is off so we're not confident enough that we're seeing it right.

A color & universal shape are much easier to process at-a-glance than whatever watered-down crap is going on now. (I don't even know, because I got so frustrated by this & other problems, that I've removed my desktop utility altogether last year. I'd rather have nothing at all, than unhelpful frustration. And apparently, it's not "safe" to return yet.)


FUNCTION OVER FORM! This isn't a beauty contest, or a conformation competition. It's a service that we want to quickly know the status of once in a while, & that's what the status bar should show us. WE KNOW WHAT WORKS BEST FOR US! Don't tell us you guys know better when WE are the ones USING it.


By continuing to ignore this suggestion, that's what you guys are doing, every single day. Telling us you don't care about our productivity & time & flow of thought in our daily lives. Well, you should. If you want us to keep sending you money, when there are better services out there for similar or lower prices.


We don't need you. You need us. Maybe treat us that way.

David S.178
Collaborator | Level 9

"What good are the suggestions when they still say "not for right now", when this is SECOND-HIGHEST VOTED USER FEATURE on the whole site, having been asked for for what, four years now?!"


When I went to school for computer science, in 1971, we learned to put bug fixing at top priority, and to engage in a development process that identified bugs early and that also avoided bugs as far as was practical. And we learned to design and use software tools to avoid bugs, such as Smart Pointers in C++ and Assertions. And in my 40-year software career, while I rarely had bugs in my own released code, I always put bug fixing and simple improvements of existing software at top priority. I never had significant problems achieving milestones in a timely way, even with this priority.


But many software companies, like Dropbox, have yet to learn the enormous value to customers that results from putting priority on software maintenance. Today, it seems that management is ignorant of the fundamentals of software development, so that engineers are overworked designing completely new software, filled with fancy features, that has a large risk of failing and never being released, while simple product improvements are ignored, all in the ignorant belief that this is the only way that software development can be done.

New member | Level 2

Please fire the person who came up with the idea to remove the green check. You don't need them coming up with any other "brilliant" ideas.

Helpful | Level 5

I also want the green checkmarks back.

Collaborator | Level 8

me too

Helpful | Level 7

Helpful | Level 5

I don't understand why some people still did not get their green check marks back. When I made the complaint on this forum, mine came back about a week later. Why do some sheeples have them back and some not ????

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