You might see that the Dropbox Community team have been busy working on some major updates to the Community itself! So, here is some info on what’s changed, what’s staying the same and what you can expect from the Dropbox Community overall.
5 years agoExplorer | Level 4
Make a BAA available to individual professional users.
Why not add a BAA option to the individual professional plan? From multiple online discussions, I know I am not the only solo practitioner who wants a HIPAA compliant app to take psychotherapy notes...
5 years agoNew member | Level 2
Currently, only a team of users can sign a BAA with dropbox; This option is way too expensive and impractical for private practitioners seeking HIPAA compliance for their own individual private practice. Allowing individual (single) users to sign a BAA for HIPAA compliance (without requiring them to be a part of a team) would allow Dropbox to tap into a largely untapped market with few competitors and very high demand. I know of MANY private practitioners who wouuld sign up for this option if it was available for individuals rather than just teams. Dropbox is missing out on a huge market opportunity by continuing to ignore this need.
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