You might see that the Dropbox Community team have been busy working on some major updates to the Community itself! So, here is some info on what’s changed, what’s staying the same and what you can expect from the Dropbox Community overall.

Forum Discussion

JustFixItInPost's avatar
New member | Level 2
2 months ago

Frustrated with Dropbox Enterprise Support – Seeking Help from Higher-Level Contacts

I’ve been experiencing ongoing issues with my Dropbox enterprise account, specifically with unclear guidance and conflicting information on my plan and storage needs. In 2023, I was paying $90/month for three users with unlimited storage, but I was later informed that this plan was no longer available. I was then advised to switch to a $2,000/year plan for seven users, which was an 85% increase from my previous rate. I reached out to my original sales rep, with whom I’d been in discussions, but was told he was no longer with the company. I was then connected with another representative who set up a call with me to discuss my situation.

During our conversation, this representative questioned why I had seven users on my account. I explained that I didn’t need seven users—I only needed two active users and primarily 60–70TB of storage space. However, I was previously told that I would need to pay for seven users to accommodate that storage requirement, and that $2,000 was the best available plan. To my surprise, she then informed me that my needs could actually be met for $900.

After I requested clarification and asked about compensation for the overcharges, she came back with an email stating that I would still need to maintain the seven-user minimum for my upcoming renewal, with no option for an adjustment or compensation. The inconsistency and lack of follow-up have left me frustrated and seeking direct assistance from senior management.


  1. Has anyone else encountered similar issues with Dropbox enterprise plans, particularly with overcharges or being told they need more users than necessary?
  2. Does anyone know how to reach a higher-level sales representative, like a sales manager, director, or supervisor, to discuss unresolved issues?
  3. Are there any contacts, methods, or escalation strategies that have been effective for others when trying to get resolution from Dropbox?

Thank you for any advice or direction you can provide.

  • Rich's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    JustFixItInPost wrote:
    Has anyone else encountered similar issues with Dropbox enterprise plans, particularly with overcharges or being told they need more users than necessary?

    This is a result of Dropbox ending the "as much storage as you need" on the Advanced/Enterprise plans. Don't quote me on the numbers and they may have changed since then, but last year I believe the new limits were 15TB to start and then an additional 5TB per user on your account.


    I'd start here for the history and then follow up with Sales.


    • JustFixItInPost's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      So I've been dealing with them for 2 weeks on this an they keep changing their mind about the cost, I just want an answer... What does 65TB or 75TB cost.. why on one call does the sales rep tell me 900 and then the next say I need 7 users to keep my current plan without mentioning a price and telling me I have till 12/1/24 to renew...