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Forum Discussion

jorge_carrarav's avatar
New member | Level 2
4 days ago

Paper is empty and "Migrated Paper Docs" folders are empty

Hi dear team.

Thank you in advance for your time. This is an urgent call 🙏 as all my Paper documents are lost right now.

I am a long time active user of Dropbox and Paper. I use both weekly since many years.

I noticed this "Migrated Paper Docs" suddenly showed up some days ago in my laptop which contained empty folders inside, so I deleted it from my computer.

Then, today I just realized that Paper is empty, zero files inside my Paper account, so I wonder if "Migrated Paper Docs" folder is now connected to Paper?... anyways, I restored the Migrated Paper Docs folder from Dropbox but it is still empty.

Could you help me recover the 100% of my Paper files? I had all sort of VERY important information 🙏



  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey jorge_carrarav, thanks for reaching out to us.

    It sounds like your account migrated to the 2020 release of Dropbox Paper.

    Is the Migrated Paper Docs folder still empty after you restored it?

    Have you tried searching for names of paper docs within your account through the search bar, to see if you can locate them?

    Let me know what you find.

    • jorge_carrarav's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      Hi Hannah! thank you for your quick response.


      This is what I see in Paper desktop browser. Complete empty.

      Important: notice that the url is



      I used to have a file in Paper called "Bali". I searched it in Dropbox and I actually found a file called "Bali" that says Paper.


      I double click on it and it goes to this URL:

      Which actually let me see my Paper folders


      But if I type straight in the browser, it automatically goes to which shows me an empty folder again.

      This is what I did:

      Open Dropbox browser -> search tool -> find a single file -> double click on it -> it shows me the url with a large code after /doc/.


      Then when clicking in the root folder in the top-left corner (which says "Jorge"), it shows me this root folder, which happens to look a bit different, as I dont see the tab "Favorites" here.

      Thats on desktop. Meanwhile in the mobile app I see only files but cero folders.

      Thank you Hannah 🙏

      • Jay's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hi jorge_carrarav, in order to look into this matter in more detail, I'd recommend contacting the support team directly for them to investigate further.