Posts & RepliesGet contents of a shared folder I have a web app built in PHP, so I'm using v1 of the Dropbox API. When I request the metadata for a folder, it only returns a list of entries (files in the folder) if the folder is not shared. How w...How can I restrict token use to a certain domain or IP address? I'm using an access token to make calls to a single account. How can I restrict that token, so that Dropbox only accepts API calls from a certain domain or IP address? We keep our tokens safe, but ...Re: Get contents of a shared folder Thanks, that worked! I didn't expect the results to come back in chunks, because the total size was relatively small. Do you know if the chunking is based on size, or does it chunk based on some l...Re: Get contents of a shared folder Thanks for the help. I included the code for the call and the resulting response below. The "subfolder" contains a file, but that file doesn't appear in the entries. When I make the same call to the ...